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"Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."
‭‭James‬ ‭1:3‬‬‬

"Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy." Psalms 82:3

With minor introduction, my name's Anubis Indigo Mud and we're covering my humble beginning. Abuse for gain. I'm second oldest of six. Every sibling knew their donor, leaving myself alone in adolescence. Siblings met with extended family and enjoyed life's spoiling. In my youth I was forced to work early and seek higher paid work if I couldn't provide mother's leisure funds. Graduating in 2014, weeks later into the summer break; excitedly I ran home, after months of applying for full time positioning. Without acknowledgment, my mother quickly said "I don't know why you're still looking for a job...we gotta be outta here by Wednesday!". I asked why and her response was due to my slowness in finding work, she decided to stop paying rent and stash her earnings elsewhere. The next location, she exclaimed I wasn't invited. Disregarding that statement I later found myself in a perpetual cycle of lack. Lack of money, lacking support, external and internal love, while ultimately being directionless. These following documents are actual events of MUDNOCCHIO's late teen and adult life as a puppet used in drug exploits: names, dates, settings, and additional details are withheld to protect the identities of the guilty. Peace in my life's outlook, I concluded to record these memoirs for learning and research purposes. Damned if I do, Damned if I don't; Damned if I will, Damned if I won't.

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