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"And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain."
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:41‬

"For they are a nation void of counsel, Neither is there any understanding in them."
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭32:28‬

Only pro to living out of state was the wifi, and rent free arrangements. Still refusing to wash up nor shave prior to sex, I no longer felt any emotion for this girl. Further in this endeavor, I was told to stop penetrating because she was sore, "bitch sore from what!?" telling myself "Sore from who?". Apparently when I was smoking outside, her grandmother coursed her to allowing sex after discussing our grocery outing, in attempts to prolong my stay. Obvious I was plotting to leave, the next morning her grandmother walked in as I packed, appearing to be cleaning the home. Recommending a position at her job, starting at $13/hr which isn't shit when my state's minimum wage is $14.50/hr, so I guess it was a start. Definitely was something to put towards my "fuck you stash", in case she'd planned sudden discard. Attending the open interview and getting the job on the spot. Unfortunately when completing the interview I walked to my car excitedly, on a beautiful day rejoicing to GOD for a new job, no arguments in effect, and most importantly I'm still intractable mentally. Confirming the possibility I'm on the right track, I began fantasizing about me and the girl living together....with kids! Approaching my car I tapped my pockets to realize I'm locked out, called a locksmith company, purchasing required membership, then said they'd be to my location via 4pm. Currently being 10am, I texted the girl after dropping her off at work prior interview, that I'm locked out. Remaining on read, I spiritually felt she was laughing at my mishap. Her grandmother called me shortly after, and was like "I heard you were locked out your car, are you ok?" I said "yeah I called the local locksmiths but they won't be here til 4 today!". She said "oh ok I was just checking!", looking at my phone in disbelief, the call ended before responding about a ride. How you reach out in concern at 10am, as I shared that my help arrives at 4pm? Livings less than 5 miles and 5 minutes away from the job site, figured I'll get a callback or offered bottled water via grandmother; no interaction for the remainder of the day. Awaiting for another call, assuming maybe the girl and her grandmother was working out something out on my behalf. Sitting outside heated on all aspects until 4pm, turning my phone on and off airplane mode, to not miss any possible locksmith updates. Now 4pm there's no word from the locksmiths, gave them intervals for a callback, then 5pm hit, 6,7,8, and 9'o clock lapsed. Patient in the parking lot, I called the locksmiths back on a 8% phone, fully annoyed they eventually answered. "Apologies Mr. MUD we scheduled you for 4pm but someone forgot to hit CONFIRM in our system, our driver on his way to you now! Again very sorry about that!". Remaining on guard in a empty lot, 11pm comes and home girl finally responds to my last text sent. "Hey are you going to pick me up from work?", left her dumb ass on read like I was since 10am, locksmith gets to me and I quickly hopped in and drove speedily to the rendezvous. Walked inside and questions were asked simultaneously; ignoring every word, I went to sleep angry at the world.

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