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"And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling." 1 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬‬:‭3‬

"They shall perish; but thou remainest: And they all shall wax old as doth a garment."
Hebrews‬ ‭1‬‬:‭11‬

Urging to know the matter behind these spam calls I finally picked up and answered "Hello?", following a 20 second pause, I hung up. Another callback proceeds, this time I accepted without a greeting then another moment of silence is commenced.  Thumb reaching the hang up icon, abruptly I heard a female's voice "please don't hang up!", *beep!* So I did. Total of five more calls from various numbers continued, then another number called unrestricted. A lady's voice who introduced herself as the grandmother and began asking am I Mud? I responded "Yes?", playing damaged control; the grandmother's pitch was "she's in a better position now and if I can find it in my heart to forgive her", regarding everyone makes mistakes. I responded with "I been forgave her, and nice meeting you too?" , the lady continued expressing the female's care for me and didn't mean to put me through what she put me through. Again I openly stated I forgave her, anticipating the end of conversation. The grandmother continued conversing, I tarried from ending call as I respectfully listened. The conversation underlying theme was to invite me living with them as a restart. I responded "no thanks! , but nice to meet you!", as she said "it's nice to meet you too, you're very respectful, I'd really love to meet you someday. We're always having events here so it's more opportunities coming up" Taking the phone from my ear, the grandmother's final request "wait! wait! Can you also unblock her please? You really mean the world to her". I cautiously said back ".......sure?" Next thing I begin hearing is the female voice again "hey!, that was my grandma" , replied "...yeah, I know and she's pretty cool" ; excitedly said back "yeah she is cool! so what do you think about her offer?", my same response  "no thanks im good, bye!" ; she then said "why you're trying to hang up so fast?" , I replied "because I said what I needed to say and again you're forgiven, bye! The fuck?", "well are you really going to unblock me?" I replied ".....yeah". Unblocking her number and now I'm flooded with "im truly sorry" texts to cold calls, asking for a "talk". As we "talked" she kept indirectly saying she loved and missed me, "you're not going to say it back?".  Conversations about her updated failures, claiming to now have a car and looking for an apartment. Raised antennas I asked "you have a car now?" She said "yeah I drove to my grandma's all by myself!", I'm like " okaaay, so what else is new?" , she told me she had a job lined up and that everyone in her surroundings I spoke about prior she removed them from her life. Assuming positive vibes I congratulated her and began sharing insight on my recent experiences, weeks passed and girl texted everyday instantaneously. Asked about my wellbeing like if I ate or not; influenced my think like "dang this chick for real for real?" to my understanding . Then again the offer arose indirectly via chat, "can you please come see me? You don't have to stay", politely declined in response "I'm never going to the east coast, especially if it's likely I may get stuck there! I already have a job where I'm at and will get my own spot whenever I'm tired of sleeping in my car." , interval requests remained asked every several hours as if my first nay wasn't transparent. On break, I self reflected my pros n cons on hotel hopping and sleeping in my vehicle when wanting to save money. Looking at the date on the calendar, the autumn season is in fruition. When the girl eventually hit me back, not as engaged prior. Made known I'm visiting her, hype she'd became. Mind you I quote unquote took her virginity, as she dick hopped passed 10 men already. Weighting out my pros and cons, I concluded: rent free living, laundry access, new scenery, in house pussy, and a sense of community. I sought family structure, regarding my family not functional and also foster care in youth so finding replacement was sensible. When made known I accepted the offer, I was blown up , "Are you coming for real?" , "you're not didn't have to lie?" , "oh my gosh you're really driving here!" , "Can I call you?" causing me to be pulled over and cited twice for speed. Finally reaching her at 1AM , very movie like she ran as I embraced and picked her up. Reuniting after five years, she began to want help unload my belongings; luckily the Holy Spirit or my intuition quenched my excitement and suggested to go inside. As we walked down the sidewalk holding hands , I was checking out the neighborhood "Yo It's some nice houses out here!" , she replied "yeah it's really quiet out here too, a lot of old white people live here". Quickly reminded myself while there I then asked "oh yeah where's your car? Let me see it! You said I'll see when I got here, what's up!?", she was like "yeeeaaaah about that, we can talk about that tomorrow", I'm like "naaaaw we're already outside, what's up!? Where's this car you spoke so highly on?". Annoyed in her response, she said "can we just go inside? it's cold and I don't wanna argue". Just wanting to sleep anyways, I agreed after sitting and slouching in my car. Entering the duplex it was a old house with poor flooring and a loud alarm system. Leading me back to where she'd slept, which was a pissy futon and a coffee table you bumped against when entering. Ignoring the smells I quickly undressed to my undershirt and shorts, washing up prior to arriving at a rest stop which helped greatly compared to her hygiene. As we cuddled, sweet nothings were whispered to me. "You smell good", "did you miss me?" , "how do it feel being back together again?" , my only response we're "mhm as yes and mm mm for no". In the morning, her grandmother walked in on us sleeping and was like "ooo! I'm sorry", I quickly arose and greeted her  "hey how you doing?, good morning and uh it's very nice to meet you!". Making eye contact, ignoring my introduction, she called the sleeping girl's name to awake for a scheduled job interview today. I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep, waking up around 945ish; I walked out to my car to grab a change a clothes for showering. Prepping for a shower I noticed it was just us two present inside the home, I gently walked around the duplex to learn what is what. Walking into the room where the girl slept, she was already woke on her phone texting, so I told her "what's up?! How'd you sleep?", her reply "*sigh*, I mean I'm still sleepy" , I chuckled and was like "I feel that." Dropping my clothes in the bathroom I went back to the room and leaned down for a kiss which became her avoidance with a head turn. I asked was she good, she said yeah she didn't do morning breath, so I proceeded for a shower. Finishing my hygiene, after arguing to refusing a shower together, I took my belongings and dirty clothes from the trip, to form a washable load. I had my own detergent and everything so I was waiting for somebody to say something. As I chilled in the basement folding/ironing some clothes, her grandmother arrived on break; being the garage is connected to the basement where the washer/dryer was located, making our encounter a direct one. Her grandmother quickly greeted me with a hug and asked when I arrived and I'm looking at this lady like we literally just spoke two hours ago, her grandma attested she didn't see nor heard me greet her before she left because she'd happily greet back. Noticeably the granddaughter and the grandmother is lying for sport. Now upstairs with my clean clothes, the girl's dressed and ready for her interview. Wishing her luck and encouraging words to think positive, still didn't receive a kiss. As I'm left behind in this smelly duplex; up and leaving to explore the town I traveled to. Learning the players and shakers, discovering areas to buy weed and hear local rappers talk beef. Chopping it up with the locals, I get a text that said "got the job!!!" and I responded back "Congrats!! Are you hungry?" because I was posted up matching blunts since noon. Bringing back food and hearing about her interview, what she'll be doing as I interjected about her car reveal. I asked did she drive there or her grandmother picked her up because the neighborhood been empty except my car being only visible. Acting like she didn't hear what's said, she began texting on her phone. The girl came back and sat beside me so I reached my arm over to cuddle, flinching as a reaction, her grandmother asked what was wrong. Later that day her grandmother asked if I could run to the liquor store for her and buy a bottle, she wrote down the name because it was a cheap brand but OD-sized for a low cost. After that the trips to the liquor store became a chore. When her granddaughter wasn't working, she'll ride with me and every place she seen we'd stop to her wishes, in hopes that she'll begin acting "normal again". Already two weeks in and still no kiss nor play from this girl, my ass should've been left. Finally getting a kiss from the girl, a peck while shopping in strip malls. Purposely not having her money together, figuring I'll pay for the groceries, she'll pocket the money and say things like "I'll pay you back when I get paid" , " you sure you got it?", "I promise I will pay you right back!". I'm cool about it, but also I'm like "if you're going to pay me back lease throw me some pussy, you been claiming since deployment how much you wanted me inside you, so what's up?!" . Sucking teeth and only thinking about sex became a argument, when it's obvious I'm being extorted. While outside smoking I noticed the mail was overfilled so I got it for them and laid it on the dining table, not being nosey but being nosey it was no doubt these folks were in a financial crisis.

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