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"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭91:1‬

Responding to emails for rooms to rent, each remaining vendor confirmed to be illegitimate. Copying and pasting messages to more online ads, I later received messages regarding filled beds and occupying roommates. Still no luck after many faults and wasted time with manipulators, smoking all my weed and remaining in contact with a director for sobriety living; transitional housing I applied to online. $200 weekly to keep bed, something for the time being and the cheapest choice until dying in nature or crime. Paying in advance, extended my housing until I can find stability, LORD willing. Portfolio, my online businesses, and recorded tunes continued in no engagement.

Mud remains in the 12 step program playing the struggling addict, prolonging his welcome if engaged during "group" teachings. Everyone's scheduled chores, eating times were set and curfew enforced if not working nightly. Much like rehab, Mud attended during active duty. Fingers crossed, that Mud one day looks back and laugh, are extremely slim. Mud believes having a big heart is costly, love is subjective, bills never stop, and we're all working until death. Mud gladly provided experiences, but it's inevitable to discuss further when reading. Gradually the inner love will harvest to external love, having courtesy and patience. Stoic, Mud continues cognitive dissonance among peers and fasting to undo doors from willful sinning. Still waiting for the department of licensing appointment, Mud projects better days when late night praying.

THEMES DEDICATED TO THE READER: don't put all your eggs in one basket, trust no one, love nobody more than self, your trauma isn't your trophy, saying no is required, forgiving is standard, little faith comes little results, discernment is a necessity, each bridge you burn on the way up is every ass you kiss on the way down, take first impressions as final impression, the meaning to life is love and the purpose of life is giving, life isn't easy but it's simple, common sense isn't common, two wrongs don't make a right but two rights can and will make a U-turn.

Summary: MUDNOCCHIO began life raised wrongly and sent to child services where he learned societal facets. Losing contact in a love interest he encountered another candidate while abroad. Focusing to rebuild, the candidate soon became a distraction over purpose. Inflicting sabotage once financially broken. Discarding the candidate and then reconnecting to the original love interest, the love interest dissipated due to her comfort with bad spirits. Avoiding his mother's household, past offenses and abuses resurfaced while relapsing. Fully indulged, MUDNOCCHIO enters a identity crisis, detaching from world matters and faulting. Leaving to return home, MUDNOCCHIO meets sex workers and their manager to trade lustful deeds. Convinced by workers to stay the night, MUDNOCCHIO traps himself in a foreign town to find monetary gain. Ready to leave, and frustrated. MUDNOCCHIO soon recant promises to GOD on drugs trading, to fund travels. Misunderstanding with the local authorities, MUDNOCCHIO then leaves town and seeks spiritual gain in a transitional housing program.
Last words spoken since seen alive was "Damned if I do, Damned if I don't, Damned if I will, Damned if I won't."

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