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"Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." 1 Peter‬ ‭1‬‬:‭5‬

"Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 1 Peter‬ ‭1‬‬:‭13‬

Sense of direction in traveling, I occupied my mind on positivity than distance to destination. Another break from walking, my mind was finally quiet. No longer was I having mental battles nor worried about what to eat. After days of fasting, I remained in thanksgiving with GOD and admire the nature's surrounding. I soon approached a public library where I refilled my water bottles, and possibly find change to purchase vending items. I found 85¢ but nevertheless when water was refilled I enjoyed the a/c, having a backpack made me blend so when asked if I could be helped , I inquired about computer use and the price for a library card. Needing proof of address to receive one, fortunately the computer could be used for 15mins if operated by guest. No wasted time I soon logged into messenger and read my inbox. Indicating I was online, I got contacted by the two "friends" while traveling, reinforcing my objective. Another "friend" hit me up whom I made music with, and excitedly he asked me "Ayo! Where you at yo?! I heard you was out of town!" I was like "yeah but I'm gone now, I'm heading back to my mom's spot man! Some bullshit! On my momma, this some bullshit! And ion even like the bitch!", laughingly he said back "Naw bro, I'm heading to you now fam! Stay there, I literally just quit my job and about to take this music shit seriously bro, no bullshit man". I told him I was about 45 mins away from where I began, him reassuring to pick me up as he messaged. Comforted that I'll lease have someone familiar in my travels, after dude reached out, another familiar individual messaged me being a female. This female I knew during high school, whom I sold and smoked weed with, also stayed in the same house I was lodging in the basement. After moving out, the conversation opened with "Hey nephew! I'm glad you finally got away from your mother and I seen your recent posts....wanted to make sure you was alright." , I said "yeah I'm straight, right now I'm actually heading back to my mother's house after the BS with these bus". Interrupting my typing, she offered a spot in her home, returning where she grew up and spoke highly on whenever complained about the boredom. Respectfully declined due to when my mother would throw me out on school nights, I'd live with her for a bit. Dating unruly men ,along with her five children and somehow chooses the man overall the circumstance. Each stay at her establishment, I'll reach a confrontation of having to pack up and leave. As the 15 minutes began to end on the public computer, another "friend" from school reached out and said to pull up when I hit his state, in the process. I asked for his whereabouts after responding back to the familiar female, informing her my arrival in 48hrs. Hitting back bro that's driving, I told him "Yo meet me in this town bro! Don't leave the state you're driving through yo, I'll give you the address when I get there so take your time heading to where I'm at", he responded "Bet! I'm about ten minutes from that address now so I got you, hit me up when you can man".

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