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"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:34‬

"He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭91:15‬

Helping them pack for the new home, I would occasionally ask my stepdad "where's the new house? Did you see what it looked like?" , only reply was "man, you gotta talk to your mother about that". Not thinking anything of it, I assumed maybe they had a prior argument, so I continued helping my family pack/discard things until moving day. Instead of giving me a indicator I wasn't welcomed to the new home, nor it's whereabouts; I was dropped off at a distant cousin's house with just a  garbage bag of miscellaneous items. The first night at my cousin's house while sleep, a loud noise from a notification received, triggered him to wanting to fight. Holy Spirit possessing me to remain in my resting posture, as he slammed stuff around me; forgetting we were laughing and smoking hours since arrival. The early morning I left my distant cousin's house and walked back to my old neighborhood, spotted by a nosey neighbor asking why my mom dropped me off. Playing it off and reassuring she was coming back as I once did when visiting foster homes. Gossip spreading throughout the neighborhood, that my mother left me behind. Invited into the nosey neighbor's home, in exchange for my income taxes and finding a work in short notice. Neighbor soon encountered my mother in a grocery store and was told I chose to stay in the neighborhood due to not wanting to abide by her rules, following exaggerated deeds as defamation.
One day walking to the nearby bodega, a classmate's parent pulled over and asked why I was walking. Paraphrasing my false narratives, I quickly implied I was visiting the bodega, then to my cousin's house. I asked to get dropped off at the store for lesser walk. Agreeing to my request, I was then offered a renovation job he was doing to a nearby property, he planned to flip. Accepting offer, I went into the store and worked at the house for several weeks. Working in the day and dropped off at night, lead to me finding shelter once locked out. The nosey neighbor sometime be indulging at another neighbor's house. Dropped off, I waved off my ride as if my knock was heard, knowing no one wasn't home. As my ride departs, I'll go looking for the inhabitants on letting me in. Eventually tired, I then ask if I could stay within the establishment I was recruited to renovate. Luckily able to squat in the workplace, I made sure to save my money earned via day's work. Returning back to the nosey neighbor's with funds, gratitude for welcoming me in the midst of hard times. I soon met a confrontation with my belongings outside, onlookers viewing as I'm cursed out. As I obtained my things and food bought before getting dropped off, it began to pour rain. Quickly outrunning for coverage, to block the rain I would connect to Wi-Fi which didn't work specifically on that day. Knocking on a "friends" door and no response uttered; they began laughing once aware of the details furthermore. Praying in the moment of trouble, a user I sold rock to, asked what happened as I posted under the gazebo. After sharing my ordeals he told me "don't worry about that youngin, you looked out for me plenty of times. So it's no doubt I look out for you", I stayed in his basement for 3 months.

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