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"While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage."
‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭2:19‬

"These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of Lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful."
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭17:14‬

Unfreezing in my viewing on the current visitors, I quietly backed from the door and said "One moment!" after third series of knocks; stating "Sheriff's office!". Quickly hiding the small pot and paraphernalia onto the balcony, leaving my cash and phone only to be seen on the bed as I opened the door. Answering the door, officer asked if everything was ok. I said "Yeah?" in confusion. Officer asked for name then followed with "Were you in possession of a mover's truck?" I said "Yes sir everything good? Not tryna shoo you or nun, but I work nights and have to be back on the road soon" He said "Yeah everything's good, are you available to answer some questions? We also have two females and a male in our custody, one claiming to be your girlfriend and the others your cousins. If you can, please gather your belongings and come with me." Nodding my head, he asked "Any weapons or drugs in the room or on your person?" Timely stepping out, and closing the door behind me; I said "No sir, it's just me; we can go ahead and get going!" not worried sense the keycard was in my back pocket and no mention of the lingering smoke. Arriving to the lobby, I seen three police cars and a tow truck, holding my rented pickup. The two chicks ran to me, hugging me frantically, seeing dreaded guy handcuffed on the sidewalk he yelled "Aye aye mane, say mane tell em we ya peoples mane! They ain't hearing what I'm saying mane! Like for real! Tell em tell 'em playa! Tell 'em!". Officers searched through the truck as I confirmed what everyone was saying, despite me lost during questioning. The answers that didn't land, I disregarded from working late. Releasing everyone to go, I then parked the mover's truck back where I once had it. As I back out, light chick runs through the parked lot yelling "BABY!!! DON'T LEAVE YET PLEASE!!", noticing I'm just parking in reverse she quickly calmed.

MUDNOCCHIO : AN AMERICAN PUPPETWhere stories live. Discover now