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"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans‬ ‭8‬‬:‭28‬

"God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭46:1‬

Leaving the library I continued the journey with pep in my walk, entering another suburban neighborhood; now evening hours. Once more I prayed to GOD, rejoicing for another day, checking the gps and time. Recapping my covered ground I was literally on the state line, between two states. Exhausted and hungry, I prayed for energy, as I walked to a filled parking lot. Entering the warehouse of the parking lot, I immediately charged my phone. As my phone charged I sat on the benches and sidewalk curb to appear like Im awaiting for buses.  As the buses approach I'd leave for the restroom and hang inside, running out moments later as if I missed the route. Asking bystanders "Did the bus come yet?!",  responses "Yeah young blood it juuust left, like just left, the next one is on the way though" , acting like I'm pissed, I went to check my battery level. 70% was good enough so I gathered my belongings and resumed my walk, 20 mins up the sidewalk I kept hearing a train. Looking onto my gps, I received notification of a incoming storm, explaining the speedily winds. Minutes down my continued path the train became louder, so leaving off route; following the noise. Cutting through another neighborhood it was some kind of block party happening, where I came across many unattended vehicles idle. Intermediate in assuming other belongings such as running vehicles, a dilemma of possible APB pursuits or to continue following the noise. Finally defeating mental barrier, a gentle voice arose from my heart, to my brain sonically indulged; saying "Keep going, drink water if need be, but don't stop for nobody!". I sighed heavily and sucked my teeth a few times in response with "Ok LORD". Following the train sounds and cutting through residential yards I found a giant hill of rocks. Strapping my backpack tighter, timely I jetted up that rocky hill which felt like a half of mile upward. Inches from the top, the momentum caused my steel toes to loose grip and slide down half way. Running back upside and alongside rocks lasted until my pacing lessened and my distance minimized. Finally at the top, I can see and hear the train loud as day; fully in nighttime I couldn't make out the gap, but see the approaching light. As I hid within the dark, I went back to praying on the train's speed and avoidance to being caught. The train closes closer, I called before GOD while the locomotive passing, "Alright LORD, I'm not worried about nothing I know you got my back. I just know YOU do!". Running for the train with my hand out, missing and kept missing reaches, frustrated I continued on further in the midst of being inches to grip. A gentle push increased speed similar to when I began running up the rocky mound. Grabbing the side ladder railing I was able to lift myself, thanks to upper strength. Hanging from the ladder I yelled to GOD amongst the train noise "WATCH MY LEGS OH LORD! GOD LOOK OUT FOR ME GOD, NIGGAS CANT DIE LIKE THIS!!" instantaneously I was jolted upwards from to the geographic structure on the railroad, and onto the boxcar's platform. Finally two hands and two feet onto the ladder I hung on until reaching a checkpoint, transferring onto a platform where I could finally sit. I'd continuously checked each side of the train, noticing staff flashlight each boxcar while at the checkpoint. I'd jumped off and run into the woods, until those workers passed each boxcar, then back on the platform as the train began to sound again. Reaching in my belongings for drink, much running and losing grip I was tired. Realizing in the process of hopping this train, one water bottle fell and the other was opened, causing leakage, I drank that quarter of a bottle in water; thanking to Most High for allowing me to remain invisible on my trip. Finally restarting, the train began moving again, myself now enjoying the cool breeze. Remembering my gps on the phone, I took it off airplane mode, recapping progress. My indicator glitches last placement to designated state I'm due for meeting friend after train ride.

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