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"Be not wise in thine own eyes: Fear the LORD, and depart from evil". Proverbs‬ ‭3‬‬:‭7‬

"The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace". Exodus‬ ‭14‬‬:‭14‬

Walking inside to change attire and charge phone, the pouring rain continued. Waiting for the rain to stop and my phone to charge I would nap within the booth I sat in, play the casino slots in hopes to win money to finalize my trip. After spending the full night there, the clerk who was a heavy set gothic chick made conversation after complimenting my shirt, proceeding to ask what bands I listened to. After naming similar bands she enjoyed, we began talking during the remaining time I was there. Asking what brought me there and I ventured on about my experiences to current. As sunrise began showing, the truckers continued their journey, checking my phone battery life being at 100%.  It was time to keep moving. Announcing my thanks and farewell, the clerk ran out with a bag of food to give me from last shift that was going to thrown away; fried chicken, biscuits, water bottles including $15 in cash and a sealable bag of many quarters and dimes. Insisted I take it after my denies, I told her "GOD bless you sister, like for real thank you! Thank you!" She smiled widely and told me something I'll never forget "sometimes you have to bless people, so they can pass it on and continue getting blessed". I hugged her and began my trek for these remaining 10 miles away from my friend's location. Logging onto messenger, posting pictures of my ground covered, incoming messages and requests for updates, I shared im 10 miles out and will be approaching a restaurant soon so I'll hit them up when I got there. Reaching the establishment, I pulled out the chicken and biscuits from the truck stop then began eating; appearing I bought the food from them, while charging my phone. Telling homeboy I'm at a food spot along with having gas money, 30 to 45min delay once informed he was in transit. Meanwhile I reached out to the familiar female in the same town, whom I lived with years ago and brought her up to date that I'm 10miles away from her coordinates too, and to send her address. She gave me her address and I was dropped off when picked up by the awaited friend. Finally reaching the familiar female's home I soon felt safe enough to sleep and shared my story when awoke. After waking up and two blunts smoked I was reassured that she'll never do me dirty again and that when she dealt with he past boyfriends she had a dependency issue, thinking to myself I'm like "you're just now noticing?". Her children were out of control, a week transpired and they're fighting less and doing chores around the house routinely. Then the following week I was applying for jobs, got hired on the spot at a buffet type of place. Unfortunately homegirl's vehicle had issues which is why she couldn't pick me up as she explained. I didn't mind, it was walking distance despite the fact I was over walking, at that point. She also had nephew that I attended school with and was currently locked up, so we loss contact which was another reason I considered visiting/then staying due to me and him having many memories already made. As he contacted from jail I would yell in the background "yo yo! Wassup!? Wassup!?" , figured he'd recognize the greeting and voice, so I went to describing myself and explaining how we met and got cool. Forgetting who I was, name and all, considering my visit and living with his aunt the second time around, in hopes of union. The familiar female, or his aunt told me before inviting me that he was getting out soon and I'd be a good influence to keep him from existing beefs. Thinking nothing of it I shrugged it off, let's not forget I was already high as a celebration for getting a job less than 24hrs compared to when I was applying in previous communities in my mom's custody. Homegirl played damage control by claiming her nephew was never good with names but better with faces.....that nigga knew my full name and voice. Anyways I asked who sold bud out there and she replied "oooo! oooo! My boyfriend sell bud let me see where at right now!" I asked "you gotta boyfriend?" she said "yeah didn't I tell you?" , I was like "uh nooo?". Ignoring my sarcasm she was like "yeah this is him right here!" showing photos and such via phone. I simply said "oh ok that's wassup", minutes later my phone received a message from bro who quit his job, saying "Yo bro you in town yet?" I was like "yeah yo, pull up!". As homegirl boyfriend took forever to indicate if he had weed or not, my buddy arrived with some and I just smoked for free that day. Arriving in a giant moving truck, I told him parked a house down. As we greeted with laughter and handshakes, I described my crazy journey from the bus terminal and homeless shelter, to deciding to leave on foot. Chopping it up from noon to night, I went back inside and the familiar female began spazzing about "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU I DIDNT WANT NOBODY TO KNOW WHERE I STAYED AT?!!! IM NOT GOING THROUGH THIS SHIT WITH YOU AGAIN!!!!!" I'm like "Bro nobody worried about what you have going on here! He simply wanted to visit me after traveling across country" she cut me off during my rebuttal, in hopes that I could get him to swing back around before leaving to clarify nothing crazy at play. Instead she went on about how I smelled like weed and white folks dropping me off at her home after I claimed to not know anyone in the area; which I didn't. I chuckled and was like "do you want me to roll up?, Is you mad you waited on your boyfriend since you put your kids on the bus and I was matching blunts until 9 at night?". She said "AND THATS ANOTHER THING WE GON TALK ABOUT RIGHT NOW! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE COMING IN THIS HOUSE WHENEVER YOU FEEL LIKE IT EITHER!" . I just said "Ite...." then sat on the couch, as she continued on then her boyfriend arrives and everything's resurfaced. Dude came in dressing like the local swag, holding my laugh; I chuckled as he began walking with a noticeable limp. I properly greeted him with handshake and exchanged names, quickly went to the back room, then returned and was like "aye fam? didn't you wanna buy some bud homie?" I was like "naw I'm straight for right now" he continued to sell "bruh this some fire man, smell it?" Carefully observing I then told him "Im straight yo! Ion smoke Reggie nor no Mid, not on no funny shit. On my momma". Assuming he took offense, he abruptly knotted his bag and went back in the room. Enjoying my buzz, the Holy Spirit interrupted my comfort with "LISTEN!" pausing the video at hand then heard the direction again twice more "LISTEN!". Third time I took both earbuds out , then remained still in the dark living spaces. Suddenly I heard the familiar female's boyfriend scream at her "FUCK THAT! NAH FUCK THAT! THAT NIGGA CLEARLY TRYNA ROB US!" , attempting to hush him. First instinct I hopped up and walked down the hall to kick the door, quieting him as I pass the first two rooms. She whispered back "see my thing is, I don't know who he knows out here but it's definitely something going on. He come here, get a job on the spot, tryna parent my kids and have the nerve to smoke in my house without sharing!" Boyfriend said back "That's what I'm saying, who the fuck is this nigga? Is he really your nephew? Like by blood?" At the doorway, in front of the cracked opening , HOLY SPIRIT then said loudly to "LEAVE!". Calling my other friend who scooped me up awhile back prior to meeting other friend with truck. White boy came through and prayed with me, then we rolled up several blunts; jamming to hardcore. Days go by and I came up with the money to fund my way back to my mom. Finally making it back to her abode, I contacted my stepdad before entering so I wouldn't interact with her firsthand.

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