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"Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry."
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:5‬

"The mountains saw thee, and they trembled: The overflowing of the water passed by: The deep uttered his voice, And lifted up his hands on high."
‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭3:10‬

Back at the hotel room, dreaded guy was already outside to meet us once informed we were pulling up. Rolling the driver's window, I get another opportunity to make some money, using the truck. This time I'll be in the hotel room and both the chicks will ride with him to fulfill a play, I said "Bruh I'd love to stay but I'm already behind schedule, I was suppose to leave this morning but I was waiting on the white man next door and slept in the process. Luckily you came through with the some bread and bud". Dreaded guy said "Aye mane, that's what I'm tryna do again now playa but this time double for your trouble! This mission right here I'll have you right for real for real and we can go out to my spot afterwards for a strap, I ain't forget about you mane". I was like "How far y'all riding? And before y'all leave let me hit the bodega, for some more leaves." While inside, the now alien gut feeling, my intuition or the Holy Spirit began speaking loudly, "Don't go back over there!". Second time was during purchasing at the counter, "Don't go back over there!". Feelin like I'm going crazy or just too high, I became reasoning with what I just heard. Contemplating while in the store, became a mental battle on why I should stick around. Thoughts like "I mean the shorties cool, homie's cool, I do needa strap though so I'll I post up then I'm straight." And countering thoughts like "Yeah I needa strap but I'll hate to get tore off with a throwaway gun too though type shit, and what if this nigga try to jam me when I reach his crib?". Adjusting dilemmas, I managed to say "Fuck it!" and returned back to the unit. Third time the voice spoke, while restarting the truck, "Don't go back over there!" Ignoring the instruction I drove back to the hotel across the street, figuring I'm good to chill another several hours sense I have weed and money. Pulling back into my original parking spot, the light chick ran towards my direction. Hopping inside, she said "He almost ready baby, hey I can call you baby right? You wanna be my baby?" I was like "Sure?" sarcastically, receiving a love tap on chest, she said "Baby don't be gettin smart! You can't get smart with me baby ok?" I said "I got you I got you", again she asked "You think I'm pretty baby?". I said "Mhm.", sighing she said "Be serious baby, look at me....tell me I'm pretty" I looked and said "I mean you're alright!" laughingly telling her. She was like "Noooo. You don't think I'm pretty, you think I'm beautiful huh baby?". I said "Naw, you're still alright", laughing back she said "Well if I'm so 'Ite' then why you keep blushing when we got eye contact? Like now! You're blushing right now baby!!!Aaaaawww!" Out loud laughing I then said "Bitch ain't nobody blushing, those my red eyes off this gas". Light chick smiling, she said "Mhm, so that's your weakness? When you lie your face blushes, I bet you're also ticklish too. I replied "Now bitch I can admit the ticklish part but ion know nothing about no blushing gurr, men don't blush!". She said "You remind me so much of Pinocchio! It's like my favorite book, nose growing when he lied and you're a blusher *laughs*; aaaw baby!" I said nothing back. Recapping my life, as well as GOD being the cricket, according to her analogy. The Pinocchio mirroring made major sense, light chick then said "Ooo! Ooo! You're name's Mud right baby? Ima call you Mudnocchio, my blushing puppet! Pinocchio and Mudnocchio, been through a lot and being around you feels just right baby". Nodding back, dreaded guy finally came outside towards the truck power walking. Hopping out as dark chick entered, then himself after handshaking me. Dreaded guy yelled out the window "Aye aye mane, ima get you right mane! You have my word on it playa". Waving em off, I used their key card to open the room and began rolling up to my recorded Lofi tunes; researching roommate openings. I rescheduled an appointment at the Department of Licensing, to reinstate my driving privileges. Leaving my mother's home, I anticipated pending income taxes to my bank account. Possible late fees and garnishments from prior decisions, it's likely wouldn't receive my full refund if not withdrawing it in time. Overly thinking my needs and short term goals, I knew the funds will release by midnight, planning to smoke until sleep, then wake up with everybody in the room so I can timely leave and withdraw funds. Waking up and opening the bank's mobile app, my tax refund went from $3222 to $1512, now leaving me with $99.69 in my checking account. Angry, I later walked next door knocking on the no teeth white man's room. Confirming that if he could really get any drug in town, I proceed to close a deal.

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