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"Casting all your care upon Him; for he careth for you." 1 Peter‬ ‭5‬‬:‭7‬

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."
Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬‬:‭11‬

Calibrating my coordinates I was 1 hour away from the meeting point, as the train stopped in a nearby town. Leaving the railroad station, I found myself near another interstate with a rest stop, quarter mile away according to a car. Being at the rest stop, some white guy with the demeanor of a stereotyped black male said "What's good fam?" I replied "Wassup yo?" , he'd asked if he could use my charger after my phone used it; no questions I unplugged my phone and let him use it, noticing his lower percentage. He asked me to watch it for him as he went to talk to his "wife", I was like "no doubt I got you yo". Minutes later he came back and asked if I smoked weed , my exhaustion dispersed at the mention of weed and became energized immediately, following a "Damn right!" response. Offered to come outside to his car, I met his "wife" whom he just proposed to earlier that week; being a black chick with a son. After we exchanged names and I was offered to roll up for them sense neither of them knew to, rolling up I then pulled out my 8grams of free bud via bus terminal; asking if I could match. We laughed and discussed what brought us to that exact rest stop. After sharing my inputs, homeboy "wife" was like "that's so funny baby, he's coming from where we on our way to, and we're literally on our way there!" , I said "oh for real ? Are you excited?". Sparkles in her eyes, as she described the ambitions of acting,modeling and could sing. As the "wife" kept chattering, I was looking around the trashy car; occasionally making eye contact with the intrigued backseat toddler. Complimenting on their CD collection, our conversation progressed further to deeper topics. Using a 6in knife, I picked up in the door's cup holder to assist with rolling and stuffing, I put the knife in my pocket for future purposes. Sharing my story, it was apparent our struggles were similar. The night went on and we talked, eventually I was insisted to play my recorded music. Everyone in love with the sounds and reciting I did, her small child that began asking my name. Hyped as everyone, I was then given a invitation on spending the night with them then depart in the morning. Ability to shower and contact nearby characters for a possible ride via messenger, sounded most logical and less miles walked. Conversing, I was asked if I believed in GOD, I said "Of course!" then both their eyes widened. The "wife" saying "Baby! He believes in GOD!!" homeboy replied to her "Yeah Babe I heard em!.....we'd figured asking you because your story fam, with what you told us we felt GOD presence with you every step." Hearing that reassured me not only I was having blind faith but I was also backed by believers who saw the same. Figuratively in regards to my outcomes, retrieving my belongings from the rest stop bathroom, we headed for lodging. Meeting warm shelter, we acquired food and smoked soon after, I began to freestyle on played beats. Greatly impressed, questions arose where I was from and who taught me how to rap, until sleepy enough to rest. As everyone slept I was awakened to playing catch up on messenger, the messages and comments are tripled after recent photo posts. Friend in regards to the music reached out for updates and I told him I was a hour away, he'd say give him a bit to obtain gas money then he'll be right to me. Thanking the nice couple for the hospitality and ride when they awoke, I wanted to chill before departing. During the day the couple began arguing, because one wanted to stay in the same area via rest stop and the other wanting to continue on from where I was journeying. Being the "wife" refusing to adjust. I decided to leave early for friend's place as the morning became noon, my farewells were insightfully direct. Walking through the town, I ended up on the state's college campus upon wearing a backpack. I blended with the tailgating students, who also made me a plate. Back on the journey I encountered the interstate, 45mins (in a car) said the gps while I headed down the straightaway. As the sun beamed and beamed, my fluids became evaporated when sweating. After non stop walking, my legs dragged and within the steel toes on. Fatigued and blurring visuals, I rested under the incoming bridge amongst the interstate to cool. Praying to GOD once more, I jokingly wished for water and how much I needed some unless I drop dead, half a kilometer from where I was, I spotted a brand new water bottle laying in the grass. Quickly up and running, I grabbed the water bottle. Not only it was brand new, but it was cold when consuming. Regaining energy to stand and walk, suddenly a car pulled over who was a older white gentleman with a soft voice. Offering me service to my needs, I hopped in his vehicle and asked where I was from and  going to, he was heading to work then offered to drop me off at his assigned exit. Accepting the ride and rejoicing in my spirit for such a timely gesture, during our ride together, he asked was I hungry and I nodded with very little ability to talk. Giving me a banana, sausage biscuit, and three water bottles, again I was asked if I believed in GOD from my assistance; hairs on my body stood, confirming he definitely was sent by the Most High. We spoke about my salvation and how long I was saved, before interrupted by his gps, informing the upcoming exit. As he pulled over he asked me "Could I pray for you brother?" I said well of course, as we prayed together he was nice enough to include a myself to speak with GOD and close the prayer. Tossing the sausage and eating the biscuit shortly after being dropped at the exit ramp, I drank one water bottle half and walked; being 25mins away from destination is now within another a hour walking onside the interstate. Another car pulled over and it was a younger white guy, offering a ride the same manner as before. He was a guy also heading to work late and wanted to drop me off at the given exit he's taking. Accepting the ride, we talked about life and music changing over the years, then offered to hit his bowl as he shared "damn man  I wish I knew I'd come across a awesome dude this morning, I would've brought more weed with me! I usually bring just enough for my lunch break". Dropped off and handshakes made, I was 18mins from meeting point, still journeying down the interstate, a white van pulled over. First thought was  "stranger danger", which in a sense it was due to a white van without windows. The driver was a short Mexican man who spoke broken english, but enough to maintain conversation, showing photos of his children and wife he asked if I had any family or someone back home. I was like "yeah I have a few women round the way, as far as children I have none that I know of", the conversation took a turn when he asked about my dick size. "So you gotta big dick?" I'm like "I mean yeah it's Ite, I haven't got no complaints yet from my women" he responds "man you lucky man, women think my dick is little man. It's crazy!" , I was brightening the mood with "nah man all females say that, honestly it's no such thing as a big dick to keep it gangsta; that's why companies purposefully exaggerate sex toys, to attack manhoods." He said back "Damn. You're actually right! There's no such thing as a 13in dick! I said "Hell nah! Even if you was on viagra and two Epills" we both laughed at that part and the situation for a bit then a awkward silence came about. Same question was asked ".....So you gotta big dick?" turning towards him in disbelief, mean mugging I replied "AYO MAN! YOU STRAIGHT PLAYA? ON MY MOMMA, LIKE IS YOU STRAIGHT?! WHAT GIVES MAN? IS YOU GAY OR SOMETHING YO!!?" He said " No no no no no no, I'm not gay! That's some fagget shit!" I responded "That's right!". Still slightly turned towards him, I reached behind me like I was adjusting my seatbelt but really I unlocked my door. He asked another question which drew the line " can I see it?", instantly I opened the passenger door as he drove; now swung open and pointing a 6in pocketknife in his side, from last night's couple car. Now a rainy evening, I demanded to be let out, pulling over apologizing, I told him "Bruh, JESUS loves you fam! You need to get it together on my momma man and love on your wife! Stop being weird out here! I ain't even mad, I'm good right here." Wanting to further explain, I slammed the passenger door on him and walked in the opposite direction until he pulled back into traffic. Now in the storm at night, I put my phone on airplane mode to save battery. Continuing the walk, then I met a truck stop off the incoming exit.

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