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"And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no."
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭8:2‬

"And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain."
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:41‬

Him and his associates faced (smoke fully) rock in the basement I lodged in, repeatedly asking if I had some on deck. Seldom having the ability to cook in his kitchen while he did jobs in the day. Being a dog, living in the kitchen and chained to the other side of the basement door; decreased my access to available meals. Eventually I learned how to open the door, and walk the surface to avoid waking him. I was allowed to smoke weed in the basement so I didn't mind the various players throughout the nights. Eventually it came to a point where the less I delivered drugs nor knowing where to locate supplier; who was a distant uncle, I then became locked out there. Outside completing a weed sale, my mom seen me standing in front of the laundromat, which is common area to chill and stash paraphernalia.  Yelled to get in, I told her "no" then walked off. Prayed for a return and unconditional love, I assumed this could be that answer. The basement door being locked as predicted, I dump whatever drugs I had on me then went in the car. Energy immediately changes, entering the car. Fussing at me with being hardheaded, and telling her business; I took it with a grain of salt. Settling her disrespect as a package deal for shelter. When reaching her new home I noticed the same dysfunctional program. At this point my stepdad separated from my mother but they remained married. I got contacted via two "friends" in another location, sharing good things about their better living. Considering their offer as roommate, I purchased a bus ticket and in the process of reaching the terminal during traveling, my bus got stranded in traffic. Transferring buses at the station, my scheduled bus left without the knowledge of no refund policy. Shit out of luck, having a expired one way ticket. I'd reached out to everyone, family and peer group for advice via messenger. Stepdad which was from the same state I got stranded in, told me to standby after texting individuals to pick me up. Two weeks and 48 hours passing and I'm still in the local shelter, learning my way around. Avoiding police when smoking, as I awaited my "ride" to get me. I'd attend church sponsored by the shelter, because you slept longer and had a guaranteed bed when returned. Church being 30 mins away was an investment in sleep, I slept to avoid angst. When awake I'll empty my mind, observing from the van's window, forgetting I was suffering; imagining a near future I'll teach and laugh about later. Still no word from selected characters to help me, except acknowledgment my message was read. I then decided to head back for my mother's home on foot the next day, disregarding my trip to my two "friends" roommate offer. No response, likes appeared on posts than usual and comments asking for whereabouts, instantaneously became blocked. In the morning I prepped to leave for a on foot journey across three states, northward. Attending my last breakfast at the shelter, I began walking.

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