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"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions." Joel‬ ‭2‬‬:‭28‬

"As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance." 1 Peter‬ ‭1‬‬:‭14‬

Contacting my stepdad I asked to send the address of their new spot, and he did unto my mother's knowing. Inserting the address from my current location, the gps calculated 8 days and 13 hours on foot. Nothing to lose, I carried my belongings and accepted what awaits. Before leaving I went back to the bus terminal, finding folks I met in the shelter, coming across free bud; I rolled up with the group and by the third rotation, I then started walking along the interstate. Holding a duffle, I later discarded during a resting period, once energized I began down the same path. Headphones at full volume, I noticed traffic slowly thickened while walking, eventually reaching a point where the I was stopped and confronted. Black state trooper yelled, overpowering the music; "Aye!!!???". Pulling a earbud out, and raising my eyebrow. He then said "Were you walking with a blue duffel bag and left it near the overpass?" I said "yeah...I didn't need it so I figured whoever came across it, could use those belongings more than I would". Pissed from the response, he exclaimed "MAN GET THE FUCK IN THE CAR! WE GOT HOMELAND SECURITY OUT HERE BLOCKING TRAFFIC BECAUSE SOMEONE CALLED, SAYING SOMEONE DROPPED A BOMB ON THE ROAD!". I replied "Oh naw officer, it's nothing but clothes" he said "HURRY UP AND GET OVER HERE! DO I NEED TO PAT YOU DOWN? HUH?! YOU WANT ME TO CUFF YOU?" , replying back "no sir, we straight here." Immediately was pulled and thrown in the back, as updates immersed the radio, the trooper interjected the conversation "I GOT HIM! I GOT HIM! I'M COMING NOW SARG!". Reaching the location I was once resting at, the Sargent began cursing me; told me to get my stuff via summarizing, finding a nearby dumpster if I no longer wanted the enclosed items. Obviously I wanted the stuff and the duffel itself but making my trip prolonged from weight, immediately detached from the merchandise. After the encounter with the Sargent, he ordered I'd be dropped off at the gas station near the exit ramp, and agreed if we met again I was arrested. Now understanding I couldn't walk on the interstate, I reevaluated my plan that avoids public areas. Walking down bike trails, led into suburban locations where I manifested to later reside. Looking at my my gps, I searched for nearby businesses in regards to restroom use. Luckily I was approaching a museum and it was field tripping schools, as guests. Water fountains to quench and refill water bottles, inside I took photos before continuation. Hours later on my journey, I resumed my conversation with GOD being safety via interaction(s) with people and external cause. Entering a passage of road, accompanied by forest land, a realist and exposure to storytelling, I prayed guidance and a impenetrable shield against wildlife and predators. As I trek through state on foot, I'd soon become irritated: the sun, repeated songs, nobody to stopping, and wishing people knew my situation.

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