[Chapter 13 - Spirit World]

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" Kya! " a tired voice yelled after the waterbender

" Oh, hi chief. " Kya chuckled

" What are you doing? You should be with- "

" Zaheer. I know. That's what I'm doing. We have a date. " the waterbender said excitedly

" You have what? Are you crazy? I shouldn't-"

" Calm down, Lin. "

" You're dating a criminal for the sake of Agni!"

" He has changed and I'm gonna prove it, so get out the way. "

" Why you're always so stubborn?" Lin said putting her hands on Kya's shoulders

" Lin, move. "

" No, you can't go!"

" Yes, I can, watch me!" the waterbender said bending some water from the fountain that was near them, she splashed Lin in the face with a water whip, then she ran.

" You're gonna pay for it, Kya!" Lin yelled angrily but the waterbender was already gone

Zaheer was standing on the terrace looking at the sky. It was 10:30 am, he was sure that she wouldn't come. She was too pretty for him.

He was bad, she was good.

He was black, she was white.

He was mean, she was pretty.

She was too good for someone like him.

Zaheer was read to leave when someone jumped in his back. A soft laugh come from that person.

" Sorry, I'm late. " Kya said coming back with her feet on the ground

" Why you came after all? " he said sadly

" We have a Date and I'm not gonna miss it. "

" This isn't a Date, Kya. "

" Yes, it is. Now let's take a walk."

" Kya. "

" You're gonna enjoy it. " she said taking Zaheer 's hand

The airbender was looking with a sad expression on his face at the woman who give him another chance, the woman who said that he was her right person, Kya was the one he waited for. How could he lose her?


Ikki woke up with a sleepy Rohan in her room. Her brother stayed with her last night, he come after Huan and Toph left. He heard his sister crying so he came to cheer her up. He said some stories that Tenzin used to tell and Ikki tried to look happy for her brother.

"Morning, " she said with a sleepy voice

" Morning, sis, "he said hugging her

" Where are you going? " she said looking at his airbender outfit, that outfit didn't fit her now.

" Even if We're here dad would continue with my aorbending training, we have meditation right now. "

" Meelo and Jinora are coming too? "

" Yea, Kai and their little girl too. "

" Yakima? How old is she? "

" Maybe 2 years old, I don't know. "

" Right. Look, Rohan, can I came too? "

Rohan smiled when he heard that.

" Sure you can. " he said happily

Rohan called after Lin but she couldn't be found. The little airbender looked for his mom but she was at Su, so Rohan went at the only person that was near them. Huan. The metalbender didn't have the chance to ask Rohan for what he needed him because one second he was in the garden, the other second was in Ikki 's room.

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