[ Chapter 1 - Change ]

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"Ikki, I'm gonna miss you." Rohan said to his older sister

"Oh, little lemur, I'm gonna miss you too." she said hugging him.

Tenzin and Pema were looking at their girl; Ikki wasn't a little girl anymore, she was 18 and she was leaving them. Pema went to hug her girl and Tenzin was following her.

" Take care of yourself. "Pema said

" I will. "

" Oh, sweetie. My Ikki, I'm gonna miss you so much. I can remember when you ran away at 8 years old and you found bisons or I can remember when you got your tattoos. You grew up so fast. " Tenzin said.

" I will always be your little girl."

Tenzin hugged Ikki one more time and then his attention went to Jinora and Meelo who entered in their home after a long time.

Meelo was 16 but he was working with Lin Beifong and Mako, he was Mako's assistant, so he lived in the Republic City.

Kai proposed to Jinora when she was 18, she accepted, of course and at 19 she had her first girl, an airbender, named Yakima, after Kai's mom.

Pema run at her oldest daughter and her family, she grabbed Yakima and she kissed her.

Tenzin went to his son and he told Meelo that he was very proud of him.

Rohan looked sadly at Ikki and she went to hug him.

"Don't worry, Rohan, one day you will come at my place in the southern air temple and everything will be okay. "

"Thank you, sister. Now I understand why you want to leave. No one understands us. Mom and dad's attention is only on Jinora and Meelo. I hate to stay here." he complained.

"They love us too but in a different way, I guess. "

" I'm gonna miss you sis. "

" I'm gonna miss you more. "

He hugged her one more time and after that Ikki went to her flying bison, Juice.

" Ikki wait!" Rohan shouted

"What is it? "

" You forgot something. "he said grabbing a photo from his t-shirt.

In the photo were Ikki and Huan Beifong at his birthday, two years before. Huan was holding Ikki in his arms and she was kissing him on the check.

" Where did you find this? "

" Under your pillow. "

Ikki smiled.

" Thanks. " she kissed him on the check.

"No problem. Ikki?"

"Yes? "

" Do you like him? "

" Why do you ask? "

" Okay, I will tell you something but mom and dad must not know. He sent a letter to you, a month ago. But dad hid it in his room because he said that Huan is too old for you. "

" What?! "

" But don't worry. I got it. " he took out the letter

" Oh Rohan, you're so sweet. Thanks. "

He hugged her before he should let her go.

Ikki went on Juice's head and she looked one more time at her house.

Rohan was waving her goodbye. Tenzin didn't notice that his girl is leaving because he talked with Meelo and Pema was playing with Yakima.

She mimed a kiss to Rohan, then she left him alone. Only then Pema and Tenzin noticed that Ikki was gone but it was too late.


Southern Air Temple looked awful when Ikki arrived there so she didn't know what to do first.

"Maybe I should go to repair the phone. "she thought firstly, in need to talk to someone because there she was on her own until her dad would send her some servants.

The airbender moved all her baggage in a room and she went to a spot where she let Juice free.

She picked up her unelts and in one hour she repaired the phone.

Then she brought some food for Juice and she went to see the other things that were around the temple.

At one hour distance there was another village, so she could go there to ask for help, but she was too stubborn.

In rest the temple was surrounded by trees.

Ikki went back to the temple and she arranged the rooms until the sun was gone.

She decorated her room with all her stuff and pictures, she put her robes in the wardrobe, she put her books and magazines on the desk and finally she changed in her comfy pijamas.

She tied her long hair in a pony-tail and she called Rohan.

"Hi little brother. "

" Ikki! Have you reached the temple? "

" Sure. I repaired the phone and I arranged the rooms already. "

" Cool. How is there? "

" Awesome. There's a village nearby but I'm good on my own. Anyway dad will send me some servants; please talk to him about that, Rohan, because maybe he will forget about me."

" The servants are on their way. Tomorrow they will be there. "

" Cool. "

" So have you read the letter? " he whispered

" No. I will read it now. Good night. "

" Um, Ikki.. it's 1 a.m."Rohan laughted

"Oh, sorry. "

" It's okay. I love you. "

" I love you too. "

Rohan closed the phone; maybe he fell asleep after that.

Ikki went to her clothes and she found the letter in one pocket.

Dear Ikki,

I wrote this to you because I'm missing you. And I need your help. My mom wants me to marry some weird girl. Can you help me? Please, Ikki.

With love,

She wrote a letter for him and she asked him if he could come to her because she needed his help and in that way his marriage will be cancelled and she apologized because it took her so long.

She went to her hawk, because she really had one, and she put the letter on his little back-bag; he started his route to Zaofu.

The hawk arrived to Huan at 9 a.m because he flew fast.

"Mom, dad, I'm leaving! "he shouted

" What? Where? And your marriage? "Su asked

" I'm going to the southern air temple to Ikki. She's there and I want to help her. " he said that while he started to pack his things.

A/N: okay guys what do you think? LET ME KNOW OK.

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