Episode 1

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Lily: *hugging her mum and dad* I'm going to miss you guys. And I'm going to write to you every week.
Harry: And we'll write back.
Ginny: Now go or else you'll miss the train.
Lily: Bye! Love you! *runs off to Hugo and they get on the train and find an empty compartment* Can you believe it hu? Our first year at Hogwarts!
Hugo: I know! It's almost too hard to believe! I feel like I'm going to explode with excitement!
Lily: Don't do that. It would be messy.

They both laugh when there is a knock on the compartment door.

???: Excuse me? I was wondering if I could sit here? Everywhere else is full.
Lily: Of course you can. We don't mind do we Hugo?
Hugo: Do we heck. Come and sit mate.
???: Thanks. *sits down next to Hugo* I know you are Hugo cause that's what she called you but who are you? *nods his head to lily*
Lily: The names lily. Lily Potter. It's a pleasure. What's your name?
Michael: The names Michael. Michael Redstone.
Hugo: It's nice to meet you Michael.
Michael: You too. Both of you. What houses are you guys hoping to be in? I'm hoping for Gryffindor.
Lily: Same here.
Hugo: Me too. Both of our parents were in Gryffindor and we want to follow in their footsteps.
Lily: But I don't think that we're going to have any crazy adventures.
Hugo: You never know. Uncle Harry didn't plan on having any either and he ended up taking on a dark wizard by the end of his first year.
Michael: Wait! Are you talking about Harry Potter? I've read about him in my school books.
Lily: Not surprised as he vanquished Lord Voldemort and ended a war. At the age of 17 no less. But that's dad for you.
Michael: Wait Harry Potter is your dad?!
Lily: Yep. And Hugo is the child of my dad's best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
Michael: So who's your mum lily?
Hugo: My dad's sister.
Michael; So you guys have got a close family then.
Lily: You can say that again.
Rose: *pokes her head in and sees Michael* Who's this?
Hugo: Our new friend.
Rose: Is he a trouble maker?
Michael: I can be. Why?
Rose: Do you want me to have a word with the council?
Michael: Council?! What council?!
Lily: Go on.
Rose: I'll be right back. *pops her head back out and closes the door*
Michael: What's the council?
Hugo: It's nothing bad. Trust us.
Rose: *pops her head back in* He's in. Can we?
Lily: Of course.

Rose, Albus, Scorpius and James file into the compartment.

James: Welcome to the Marauders 2 kid.
Albus: What's your name?
Michael: Michael. What's the marauders 2?
Scorpius: Only the best group of pranksters at Hogwarts.
Rose: Alright, let's get straight to business. Lily how is that levitation coming along?
Lily: That's the only power I can control fully. Why?
James: We are going to make Hogwarts Pranking History!
Albus: Over the holidays we set up a bucket of water behind the headmistress' podium.
Rose: And by the end of tonight it'll be all over Professor McGonagall's head. If you chose to help.
Scorpius: It's your initiation prank. It's either this or you don't get in.
James: What's it going to be little sis?
Lily: I hope you put bubbles in there cause she's about to take a bath.
Albus: That's our little sister!
Michael: This should be funny.
Hugo: This is one for the history books!

At the start of McGonagall's speech James gives the signal to lily.

Lily: *lifts the bucket up using her powers and dumps it over McGonagall*
McGonagall: *dries herself* Will all members, old and new of the marauders 2 stay behind after. *continues her speech*

After everyone has left. With McGonagall and the Marauders.

McGonagall: I know it was one of you. Who was it?
Lily: It was me Professor.
McGonagall: Initiaton prank?
Lily: Yes Professor.
McGonagall: Detention. Saturday afternoon. My office.
Lily: Yes Professor.
McGonagall: Now go. James take the new Gryffindors back to the common room.
James: Ok Professor. Lily, Hugo, Michael, let's go. *leads them out*
Rose: *follows them*

When the get there everyone high fives lily.

Hugo: Did you see her face!
Michael: She definitely wasn't amused!
Rose: She stopped the speech!
James: Our best prank yet!
Lily: Thanks guys but I'm really tired. I'm going to head off to bed. Night guys. *goes to bed*

Next episode will take place on the Saturday of Lily's detention.

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