Episode 22

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A few weeks before Halloween.

Lily: *finishes putting a screw in place* And we are finished.
Michael: And there's still 3 more weeks.
Albus: *looks at the map on the wall* Guys. McGonagall is coming.
Sophie: I got it! *claps her hands and the room becomes a common area*
Emily: Nice one Soph. *sits down on a beanbag with James*
Scorpius: *does the same with Rose*
Rose: Ok. We need to act natural.
Hugo: Don't give anything away.
James: We are not letting the past few weeks go to waste.
McGonagall: *opens the door* Caught you! *sees them say in the beanbags and around tables* Studying?
Lily: Yeah. What did you expect?
Scorpius: Did you think we were prank planning?
McGonagall: Well yes.
Michael: Why would we be doing that?
McGonagall: You're the marauders 2! That's what you do!
James: I've got my OWLs this year! I actually want to pass believe it or not.
Emily: Same here. That's why me and James are studying together.
McGonagall: *looks over to Lily, Hugo and Michael* And what are you doing over there?
Lily: Homework.
Hugo: Just trying to stay ahead.
Michael: Speaking of homework. Can you help me on this question? I'm a bit confused.
McGonagall: Of course. *walks over*
Michael: We got this homework but we haven't done anything on it in class. And I can't find anything in the book. It's "what spell turns an animal into a drinking goblet?"
McGonagall: Veraverto.
Michael: Ok thanks.
McGonagall: Well I'll leave you to it. *leaves*
Rose: Close call guys.
James: Yeah but now that we finished can we keep the room like this? I was being honest before. I actually do want to pass my OWLs.
Lily: Sure. It'll give the rest of us to catch up on homework. But after we're done can we change it back so I can get the bots to hide in my trunk.
Albus: Sure. Then I can take the map off the wall too.

Next episode will take place Easter morning.

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