Episode 15

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Valentines Day morning. In the great hall.

Scorpius: *walks into the hall and up to Rose with a batch of roses* Happy Valentines Day babe.
Rose: *takes the flowers* Happy Valentines Day. *smells the roses*
Scorpius: *chuckles* Looks like you've stopped to smell the roses. *sees her look* Sorry. Couldn't help myself.
Rose: *shakes her head* You're so cringy. But I love it. *kisses his cheek and gives him a box of chocolate frogs* For you.
Scorpius: *smiles at the box then smiles at rose* My favourites. Thanks babe. *kisses her*
Rose: *kisses back*
Albus: *walks up to Sophie with a box of chocolates* Happy Valentines Day honey.
Sophie: Aww. Baby. I feel bad now. I didn't get you anything.
Albus: *kisses her cheek* Don't worry about it Soph. *gives her the box* Your favourites.
Sophie: *takes the box* Ok, there's no way we're letting this slide. When we go to Hogsmeade you're going to pick something out from any shop of your choice.
Albus: Babe, seriously you don't... *gets cut off*
Sophie: I don't want to hear it Albus. If you argue you will lose. Just let me get you something.
Albus: Ok, ok. You can get me something. Geez.
James: *walks to Emily with a teddy bear in his hand* Happy Valentines Day Em.
Emily: *looks at him and smiles* Happy Valentines Day handsome.
James: *gives her the bear* For you m'lady.
Emily: *takes it and blushes slightly* Thanks babe. *reaches into her bag and pulls out a selection of his favourite chocolates and sweets* For you honey.
James: *takes the box and looks at it* All my favourites! Thank you so much Em. *kisses her*
Emily: *kisses back then breaks* Ok. I'm going to put this bear in my dorm then we can get going to Madame puddifoot's for our triple date.

An hour later at the tea shop.

Scorpius: *checking his watch* Where are Albus and Sophie? Albus is never late. I'm starting to get worried.
Sophie & Albus: *walks in and sits with them*
Albus: Sorry we're late guys. Sophie here refused to come here until I found something I like.
James: No worries guys.

They talk for a little while before they have to go back. With Rose and Scorpius in the great hall.

Scorpius: Did you enjoy today baby?
Rose: I did. Thank you again for the flowers, even if it was just for the joke.
Scorpius: No, it's just that when I saw them they reminded me of you.
Rose: *rolls her eyes* Because they're roses?
Scorpius: No. Because they're beautiful. Like you.
Rose: *blushes and kisses him passionately*
Scorpius: *kisses back with equal passion and breaks after a few minutes* I love you Rose.
Rose: I love you too Scorpius. *kisses him again*

With Albus and Sophie in the courtyard.

Sophie: I really enjoyed today. Do you like your sweets?
Albus: Yeah, I do. Still can't believe that you refused to go to Madame Puddifoots until we found something.
Sophie: I felt bad!
Albus: I know you did. But I told you that it was ok. Well tried to.
Sophie: I was going to get you something sooner but I lost track of time.
Albus: Sophie, it's ok. *cups her face* I love you.
Sophie: I love you too Albus. *kisses him passionately*
Albus: *kisses back with equal passion*

With James and Emily by the lake.

James: *sat with his arm around her* Did you enjoy your day baby?
Emily: *has the bear* I did. You?
James: Yeah it was fun. Have you got a name for the bear?
Emily: I was thinking snuggles.
James: That is adorable. *kisses her*
Emily: *kisses back and breaks* I love you James.
James: I love you too Em. *kisses her passionately*

Next episode will take place on the day of the Easter feast.

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