Episode 5

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A few days before the Halloween prank.

With the marauders in the room of requirement.

Lily: *makes a successful copy of herself* I did it! Operation troll in the dungeon is officially a go!
Albus: This prank is going to be legendary guys!
Michael: Ok so what's the plan again?
James: Michael you'll be a look out for when the Professors come that's when you run to the common room.
Lily: Once you give me the signal and get out I'm going to get under my dad's cloak and hide from view. Once they break the illusion I'm out aswell.
Scorpius: I'm going to be playing the part of Professor Quirrell but with less voldy on my head. I'm going to run in, announce the troll and "faint".
Albus: Me, James, Rose and Hugo are going to take him to the common room to "recover" from the shock.
Hugo: This is going to be amazing.
Michael: I know! I can't wait.
Rose: Well you only have to wait a few days now Michael. I'm sure you can wait that long.
Lily: Just don't give us away! I've put a lot of work into mastering duplication. If you spoil this prank...
Michael: Alright lily calm down! I'm not going to give it away.
James: Good cause we might have to kick you out if you do.

During the feast. Duplicate lily is there instead of real lily. In the dungeon with lily, Michael and Scorpius.
Lily: Procidat deceptionem.

An illusion of a troll appears.

Scorpius: Wow! That looks so real!
Lily: Thanks. But don't you have somewhere to be?
Scorpius: Right. Make sure you drop this before you leave. *hands her slip of paper*
Lily: *reads* We solemnly swear that we're up to no good.
Scorpius: To leave a mark.
Michael: I'll take my position. *goes up onto some steps*
Lily: *to Scorpius* Go! It's now or never!
Scorpius: Alright alright I'm going! *runs into the great hall* TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS! PROFESSORS! THERE'S A TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! *pretends to faint*
McGonagall: Professors come with me! Prefects lead your houses to your dorms!
Michael: *sees them approaching, gives the signal and runs upstairs*
Lily: *hides under the cloak and starts smashing stuff with her levitation*
McGonagall: *attacks the troll with the other Professors and breaks the illusion*
Lily: *drops the slip of paper and runs off to the common room*
McGonagall: *sees the slip of paper, and picks it up* We solemnly swear that we're up to no good - Marauders. *goes to her office and floos to Harry's house*
Harry: Professor McGonagall! What do we own the pleasure?
McGonagall: The Marauders have gone too far Mr Potter.
Ginny: What did they do now?
McGonagall: They thought they'd recreate a particular moment from your first year Mr Potter.
Harry: Troll in the dungeon?
McGonagall: Yes.
Harry: Alright. I'll handle it. *sends a patronus to the Weasleys and Draco* Lead the way.

In the common room when all the parents get there.

Hermione: We heard that you guys have been up to some trouble.
Draco: That event is not something to talk about. It almost killed Hermione.
Ron: I did not expect this of you Rose. You too Hugo.
Ginny: Albus give us the map.
Albus: What? Why?
Harry: Because you took it too far! You'll get it back at Christmas but for now give it. *holds his hand out*
Albus: *gives him the map* Sorry dad.
Harry: Just don't take it so far next time.
Rose: We won't. We promise.
Hermione: ok. I think we've made a point. Albus and Scorpius you should go back to your common room. *leaves with all the other adults*
Scorpius: *pecks Rose on the lips* See you tomorrow?
Rose: Yeah. Night babe.
Scorpius: Night honey. *leaves with Albus*

Next episode will take place the first day of the Christmas holidays.

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