Episode 13

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Taking place right after the last episode.

Emily: What's happening?
Sophie: Yeah. Please explain. I'm confused.
Rose: We invited you to come and join the marauders 2.
Sophie: So this isn't one of your pranks.
James: Nope. Are you ladies in or out?
Emily & Sophie: *share a look then turns back to the others* In.
Albus: Brilliant. Now time to officially get to work.
Scorpius: Ok Potter brothers you were in charge of our next major prank. Whatcha got?
Albus: So we were planning it for Easter right?
James: So we were thinking a rampaging Easter bunny.
Rose: I love it!
Hugo: We can get the parts from uncle George's shop.
Scorpius: A simple jinx should do the trick.
Emily: Depending on the size we're going for it might take multiple of the same jinx to give it full strength.
Sophie: *looks at Emily* And you know this how?
Emily: Well I kinda did a bit of research on pranks since I've started to date James, just so I can understand what he's talking about a little better.
James: Aw. That's so sweet. *kisses her cheek* You're adorable.
Lily: Anyway, back to what we were talking about. We'll ask uncle George to send the supplies in separate boxes and disguise them as something that's not suspicious.
Sophie: So put an illusion charm over it.
Lily: Precisely.
James: Now the height. We don't want it to be massive. Just big enough to give the people a good scream.
Albus: We were thinking no higher than the half way point in the great hall doors.
Emily: I'm thinking that will take about 3 jinxes.
Hugo: Easy enough.
Michael: Ok. Let's get up to no good.
Lily: I like the sound of that. *pulls her card out* George we need supplies. Sending a list over now. *selects the needed supplies*
George: And how do you want that to you dear niece?
Lily: In separate boxes and under an illusion charm.
George: Ok. They'll be with you tomorrow. Good luck marauders.
Sophie: This is going to be good.
Lily: You said it Sophie.

The next morning when they have all the supplies the RoR and unloaded.

Lily: Operation Bonkers bunny begins now.
James: Ok that's actually a good one.
Scorpius: Ok guys. We have 4 months so we are not in any hurry. Let's just take our time and are sure we get this perfect. Rose and Michael, I want you with me looking for the jinx. Everyone else get to building our bonkers bunny.
Rose: *walks over with Michael and kisses Scorpius' cheek* Hey babe.
Scorpius: Hey. The books we need are over here. Let's look through. *picks up a book and starts to read through it*
Michael: Hey what about this one? "Bonkorum". Makes an inanimate object go crazy for however long you need it to.
Rose: Michael that's perfect.
Scorpius: Nice going kid. *scribes the spell on a parchment* Right I think we've done enough for today. Let's pick this up tomorrow.
James: You heard Scorpius everyone. Now to get in just think bonkers bunny room.
Albus: We're starting at 6:00 tomorrow evening. Don't be late.

The next episode will take place the next day at lunchtime.

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