Episode 10

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At the New Years party at Malfoy manor with everyone arriving.

Harry: Hey Draco. How have you been?
Draco: I've been good? How about yourself?
Harry: I've been ok. Nothing we can't handle. How's Astoria?
Astoria: *walks in* I'm hanging in there Harry. Not getting better but not getting worse.
Ginny: It's important to look at the positives.
Draco: I think I'm also getting close to finding a cure. If Astoria and Scorpius wasn't forcing me out of my office, I'd be there right now.
Hermione: Come on Draco! It's new year. You deserve to enjoy yourself. *turns to the children* Why not go and enjoy yourselves?
Rose: Ok mum. *goes off to find Scorpius*
Albus: *goes with her*
James: *goes to the buffet and starts filling a plate up*
???: *walks up to the table* Gonna save some?
James: *looks at her* Oh um hi Emily. Of course. *steps back from the table*
Emily: *starts filling a plate too* Why do you seem so nervous James?
James: *scoffs* Nervous? Me? I'm not nervous. You just caught me off guard.
Emily: *skeptical* Sure. Where are the other marauders? That's what you call yourselves right?
James: Yeah, the greatest prank group Hogwarts has ever seen.
Emily: I must admit I was impressed with that stunt you pulled at the speech.
James: It's always nice to meet a fan. *eats a bit of chicken*
Emily: *giggles* You're funny James. You wanna come sit with me?
James: sure. *goes and sits with her*

Meanwhile with Albus, rose and Scorpius.

Rose: so how have things been Scorpius?
Scorpius: Not the easiest. Mum's really sick and dad's working around the clock to try and find a cure.
Albus: That's rough. I'm sorry you have to go through this mate.
Scorpius: Nah. Don't worry about it. It seems worse than it is.
Rose: *nudges Albus* Isn't that Sophie over there? *points her out*
Albus: *looks over* Yeah it is. *looks at Scorpius* You invited Sophie?
Scorpius: Yeah and I'm giving you thirty seconds to think of a way to ask her to dance with you.
Albus: Wait! What do you...?!
Scorpius: Hey Sophie! Some over here a second!
Sophie: *walks over* Hey Scorpius, Rose. Hey Albus. What's up Scorp?
Scorpius: I think Albus has something he wants to tell you.
Albus: Umm do you want to dance with me?
Sophie: Course. *grabs his hand and leads him to the dance floor*
Rose: *turns to Scorpius* You are cruel.
Scorpius: He needed that nudge and you know it.
Rose: I guess you're right. *kisses his cheek*

With Albus and Sophie on the dance floor.

Albus: So how are your holidays going?
Sophie: Good, how are yours?
Albus: *thinks about when his parents were kidnapped* Umm interesting to say the least.
Sophie: Interesting?
Albus: It's best you don't go there. Too complicated.

A slow song comes on.

Sophie: Do you know how to waltz?
Albus: Can't say I do.
Sophie: There's nothing to it. I'll teach you. *takes Albus in a waltz position* Follow my lead.
Albus: *starts dancing and gets the hang of it pretty quickly*
Sophie: *pecks his lips then realised what she did and starts to walk away*
Albus: *grabs her hand, pulls her back and kisses her*
Sophie: *kisses back*
Albus: *breaks the kiss* I really like you Sophie.
Sophie: I like you too.
Albus: How about we meet in Hogsmeade in a few days?
Sophie: I'd like that.

With James and Emily.

Emily: *laughs at something James said* You're funny James. I'm not gonna lie. I've liked you for a while.
James: I like you too Emily. Do you wanna meet up in a couple of days?
Emily: Are you trying to ask me out?
James: Depends. Is it working?
Emily: *giggles* of course it is. I'd love to go out with you.
James: How about in two days? We can meet up in Hogsmeade.
Emily: *pecks his lips* it's a date.

Next episode will take place on the day of their dates.

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