Episode 17

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The first day home of summer. At the potters.

Harry: So are we going to talk about the stunt you pulled at Easter?
Lily: We took all necessary precautions in order to keep everyone safe.
Ginny: And we're proud of you for it. Can we see that damage reverser that you used?
Lily: *pulls them out* It's not called a damage reverser mum.
Albus: It's called a damage dome. Uncle George made it for us.
James: We've started to keep other people in mind when planning our pranks.
Harry: We also heard that you got Teddy in on it.
James: Actually. He offered his help when he was round at Christmas.
Lily: He missed being apart of the Marauders 2 so he wanted to join in on a stunt for old times sake.
Harry: And your girlfriends?
Lily: It was Rose's idea for them to join as she didn't want James and Albus to keep secrets from them.
Ginny: You guys are making it impossible for us to be mad at you right now.
Albus: Isn't that a good thing? We've grown enough to learn from our mistakes.
Harry: You have. We're impressed. You're free to go.
Michael: *comes through the fireplace with his trunk* Can I stay here?
Lily: Michael? What are you doing here? *looks at his cheek to see a handprint* Did someone hit you?!
Michael: My mum's boyfriend. He does not like me.
Harry: Of course you can stay here Michael. You can take the room you had last time.
Michael: Thanks Mr Potter.
Harry: Michael. If you're going to stay here then you need to be a bit more casual. It's Harry from here on out.
Ginny: And you can call me Ginny. Now let's get some ice on that cheek. *takes him into the kitchen*
Lily: That man is an asshole.
Harry: Watch your tongue young lady.
Lily: But am I wrong dad?
Harry: No. I'll go and talk to him tomorrow about the situation.
James: Good. Michael's a good kid. He doesn't deserve to be treated like that.
Michael: *comes back through with an ice pack on his face* That means a lot coming from you James.
Rose: *comes through the fireplace with Hugo* Mum and dad are on date night again.
Harry: We know. You can go ahead and invite Scorpius, Rose. And boys, you can invite your girlfriends over if you want.

Later with all the marauders.

James: So I was thinking since we're all here together, we could plan for the next prank together.
Emily: That's a good idea baby.
Rose: Whatever we do we are not doing a troll in the dungeon.
Michael: Hear me out. What if we did something similar to Easter but we do it with pumpkins.
Scorpius: Ok, I'm intrigued. Please elaborate Michael.
Michael: Well we can make multiple little bits instead of using one big one like we did with the rabbit. That way we can sneak them in our bags.
James: I swear this kid is a natural.
Rose: It is really impressive. Looking forward to having you on the board in September Michael.
Michael: Thanks. I'm looking forward to joining myself.
Emily: I'm still a bit weirded out that the kids are gonna be able to boss us about for a few months.
Sophie: Yeah it's a little strange.
Hugo: It's just the meetings that we take control of. It's not like we can order you around outside of them.
Lily: And don't worry about me. I'm not going to go power hungry. *teleports behind them* I already am. *teleports back to her seat*
Emily & Sophie: *confused* How...?!
James: That's something she can do. Along with levitating things.
Albus: She can also duplicate herself. Don't forget that one.
Rose: Have you discovered anything else recently Lily?
Lily: Well now that you mention it... *starts to fade*
Scorpius: Invisibility?
Sophie: How does she do that?
Albus: She was born different. Special if you will. When she was 8 we discovered she could do magic differently. We don't really get it ourselves.

Next episode will take place the next morning.

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