Episode 32

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Prank day, the morning, RoR.

Teddy: *comes through the fire place* Heard you need some back up?
Lily: Teddy! *runs and hugs him*
Teddy: *hugs back* Hey there trouble. *breaks the hug and greets everyone else* So what service am I providing this time?
James: McGonagall has recruited mum and dad to intercept our prank and make it backfire.
Albus: So we're going to send a fake egg down with a body binding curse inside it.
Scorpius: Once they're binded we just need you to keep an eye on them and out of the way.
Teddy: You do realise that she'll have probably told the house elves not to send anything up that you gave them.
Rose: It's a good thing that we aren't sending it up via the kitchen. She him Lils.
Lily: *makes a piece of parchment move from one side of the room to the other*
Teddy: You can make items move.
Michael: We have the egg in James' trunk. Lily will call it down from there and place it on the plate.
Hugo: And then, BOOM! Covered in chocolate.
Teddy: I like it. Well I'll get to the kitchen ready for Harry and Ginny. *grabs an invisibility cloak the room provided and sneaks down to the kitchens*
Sophie: We're up Emily. Let's go. *grabs the regular cloaks, gives one to Emily*
Emily: *puts it on, grabs the egg and walks down to the kitchens with Sophie and opens the door*
Teddy: *sneaks in*
House elf: *comes to the door* How can I help you misses?
Emily: *gives the egg to the elf* Send this up at dessert time onto Professor McGonagall's plate.
Sophie: Think you can do that for us you kind elf?
House elf: *lies* Of course madames. *takes the egg, closes the door and gives it to Harry* Just as you said Sir.
Ginny: I wasn't expecting the girls to do it.
Harry: Well with the marauders 2 you need to expect the unexpected.
Teddy: *grins and thinks* Oh how right you are uncle Harry. *casts a nonverbal spell to trigger the egg*
Harry & Ginny: * body binded*
Lily: *teleports in with a cloak in, grabs them and takes them away to an empty classroom*
Teddy: *takes his invisibility cloak off* Thanks for the assist Lily. I can take it from here.
Lily: Good luck with em founder. They can be tricky. *teleports away*
Harry: *breaks his binding and sits up* Wow. We got played. I'm impressed with you lot.
Ginny: *breaks her binding* I agree with Harry. You can't deny that you guys are very magically gifted. Just wish they'd focus more on their studies than their pranks.
Teddy: They do focus though. They pay attention in class and get their homework in on time. They're different from uncle George in that way.

During desserts at the feast.

Curtis: *gives Lily the signal by dropping his fork*
Lily: *transports the egg onto McGonagall's plate*
Albus: *points his wand at the egg* Felis.

The egg blows up and the hall erupts into laughter.

McGonagall: *sighs and starts to chuckle* How? I had you!
James: Correction headmistress, you THOUGHT you had us.
Lily: You've been dealing with us since Teddy. You should know to expect the unexpected.
Scorpius: And that we solemnly swear that we are up to no good.
McGonagall: How did you get past the Potters?
Teddy: *walks in* They know when to ask for help.
McGonagall: Mr Lupin, I should have known. Where is Mr and Mrs Potter.
Teddy: Oh. They went home hours ago. Try as you might Professor but you should know that the M2 will always be 3 steps ahead of you.
Lily: *hears a cold, high pitched voice in her head say "I'm coming for you" and she falls to the floor clutching her head* AHHHH!
Michael: Lily! *rushes next to her* Lily! Talk to me!
Lily: *still clutches her head* Get out of my head! Get OUT!
McGonagall: *summons a stretcher and takes her to the hospital wing with the whole of the marauders following*

Next episode will take place after she's been checked on.

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