Episode 14

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The next day at lunch with Albus and Sophie.

Albus: So how do you like us so far then?
Sophie: I'm really enjoying it. You're all so nice. Well to each other.
Albus: We're just trying to have a good time.
Sophie: I don't blame you. There's not much to do to pass the time here.
Albus: Well now there is.
Sophie: I can't wait for this. Do you always get this giddy feeling when you do these things?
Albus: Every single time. The rush never goes; after one prank is finished we just go straight to planning the next one.
Sophie: The grind doesn't stop I guess.
Albus: Nope, but there is a small break for some people. There's designated planners after each prank. Me and James, we're those planners.
Sophie: And everyone else gets a couple of weeks break?
Albus: Hey you're getting this quite quick.
Sophie: But is there a system that's able to keep control over everyone since there's so many of you?
Albus: Yes we have a council. You're eligible for the council after you've been part of the marauders 2 for at least a year.
Sophie: So next year the kids are gonna have more power than me and Emily.
Albus: Yeah pretty much.
Sophie: Oh god... Lily.
Albus: *chuckles* Oh yeah. She's just evil.
Sophie: So what else does the council do?
Albus: They're the ones who make all the major decisions and takes the lead in each prank like Scorpius did last night.
Sophie: Right so there's a designated council member to take charge each session?
Albus: Yeah, it's my turn tonight to take charge so I'll make sure to put us together.
Sophie: Aww. That's sweet of you. *kisses his cheek*

That night at 6.

Albus: Welcome back everyone. Hope you're all ready. We're not going to rush anything remember. We've got four months so we want to make sure everything is perfect. I want Sophie, James and Emily with me on damage control for the day and everyone else get to building our bunny. *goes over to a corner of the room with...*
James: Ok so what do we need to account for bro?
Albus: The food cooked by the house elves will be wrecked so we need to do something about that.
Emily: We could leave them an anonymous note a few days before so they have time to make more?
Sophie: Great! What else?
James: Well from what Michael told me this morning, we won't be able to control the bunny.
Albus: McGonagall doesn't know Emily and Sophie are one of us. They can start leading people out as soon as we get the bunny in.
Sophie: I love it! Nice thinking. *kisses his cheek*
Emily: We could use that as our big reveal.
James: Wait. If we play this well enough then McGonagall will have no idea that you're one of us until the reveal.
Albus: The look on her face would be picture worthy.
Emily: But then again it is McGonagall.
Sophie: Then we'll have to be super careful.

On the other side of the room.

Lily: *fixing a leg into place* This is going to be so good.
Michael: *checking the joints* I know. I'm so looking forward.
Rose: McGonagall is going to hate us after this one.
Scorpius: Isn't that the exact reason we do these pranks.
Hugo: True Scorpius. *tightens a leg to the main body*

20 minutes later.

Albus: Ok everyone good work. We'll take the day off tomorrow. Rose you'll be taking the next session.

Next episode will take place on Valentines Day.

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