Episode 9

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Christmas Day.

Lily: *wakes up and realises* It's Christmas! *starts to wake everyone up*

They all go downstairs and opens presents.

James got a new set of pranks. Albus got the same. Lily got some make up, new pranks, chocolates and money.

Harry: Actually Michael there's something for you. It came through the fireplace last night. *gives him a box*
Michael: *opens it* My grandpa's charm. I'm surprised Steven didn't try to talk my mum out of it and keep it to himself.
Ginny: who's Steven?
Michael: He's my stepdad and he hates me.
Harry: How come?
Michael: I don't know. I tried being nice but he straight up hates my guts.
Albus: that sucks mate.
James: But moving on. The potter and Weasley kids wanted to give you something. *nudges lily*
Lily: *hands him a box* Welcome to the family. You're pretty much one of us now. Like it or not.
Michael: *opens the box and finds his favourite chocolates and all of the golden trio's chocolate frog cards* Thank you so much! I love them *hugs the potter children*
Lily: Your welcome. *hugs back*
Ginny: That was really nice of you children. I'm proud of you.
James: We just wanted to give Michael something to say thanks for being so nice. *turns to him* You rock man.
Michael: Thanks James. It really means a lot to me.

Just before Christmas dinner is ready, the fireplace lights up and the Weasleys walk through.

Hermione: Hello everyone.
Lily: Hi aunt Hermione! Hi uncle Ron! Hi rose and Hugo!
Ron: Hi lily. Merry Christmas.
Lily: Merry Christmas to you too. Mum and dad are in the kitchen. Rose, Albus is upstairs and Michael will be back down in a minute.
Rose: Ok. Scorpius should be coming round soon so if you could send him up then that would be great. *walks upstairs*
Hermione: We're going to go say hi to your parents. *walks into the kitchen with Ron*
Michael: *walks back in* *sees Hugo and hugs him* How are you Hugo mate? Haven't seen y'a since that uneventful night.
Hugo: Yeah I'm good. Still in a bit of shock about what happened but not much you can do it there?
Michael: Oh and thanks mate. Lily, James and Albus told me that them, you and rose all pitched in and got me a gift. It means a lot to me.
Hugo: Don't mention it mate. We just wanted to do something nice.
Scorpius: *comes through the fireplace*
Lily: Albus' room.
Scorpius: Thank you. Merry Christmas.
Lily: you too!
Scorpius: *goes upstairs*

In Albus' room.

Scorpius: *walks in* Merry Christmas you two.
Rose: *kisses him quickly* Merry Christmas honey.
Albus: *bro hugs him* Merry Christmas mate.

At Christmas dinner. 20 minutes into the meal.

Scorpius: Ok. So my dad says that your all invited to our new year's party. Do you wanna come?
Rose: *looks at her mum* Can we go? Please?!
Hermione: Ask your dad.
Rose: *looks at her dad* Can we?
Ron: Of course we can.
Albus: Can we go too dad?
Harry: Ask your mother.
Albus: *looks at his mum*
Ginny: Yes we can go.
Albus: Thank you!

Next episode will take place at the new year's party.

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