Episode 27

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At King's Cross. With the potter/Weasley children + Michael getting picked up.

Children: *walks up to the adults*
Potter/Weasley kids: Hey mum, dad.
Michael: Hey Harry, Ginny. Mr and Mrs Weasley.
Harry: Hey kids. How was term?
James: It went very well if I do say so myself. I'm actually starting to pick up on the subjects.
Harry: Huh. I guess your girlfriend is a miracle worker.
James: Rude!
Ginny: We'll discuss that later. How about you tell us how you got a weeks detention?
Lily: A festive version of the classic water bucket.
Albus: No elaborate plan. Got our supplier to get us some eggnog and it was done.
Hermione: Are you ever going to give your poor teachers a break?
Rose: Do hippogriffs swim? Of course we aren't.
Hugo: Yeah. I mean where is the fun in that! The other students look forward to our pranks.
Michael: Exactly. Can't disappoint the fans now can we?
Ron: Calling them fans are we?
Student: *walks past* You guys rock! Can't wait to see what you do next.
Lily: See? Fans.
Ginny: Right well it's nearly time for dinner so how about we head home?
Lily: Sounds brilliant mum.

When they get home.

Ms Silver: *sat at the table and looks at Michael* Hey son.
Michael: *gives her a death glare* What are you doing here?!
Harry: You too need to talk. *turns to the others and ushers them out of the room*
Lily: *quickly fist bumps him and whispers* Good luck. *leaves with the others*
Ms Silver: Michael listen... *gets cut off*
Michael: No! You listen to me! That asshole was abusing me the moment we got there! As soon as you left he was attacking me! But it wasn't his blows to the chest or the face. It was the fact you wouldn't listen to me.
Ms Silver: And I'm sorry for that Michael. I truly am.
Michael: Sorry just won't cut it this time! This isn't a birthday you're late for and can make up with a present. I was being physically abused and you were an enabler. You had the power to stop it and you didn't.
Ms Silver: Tell me what I can do to make it up to you.
Michael: You can't do anything! I've made up my mind. I don't want you in my life. I never want to see your face again.
Ms Silver: *tearing up* Michael please...
Michael: You had your chance. Now stay away from me... Sandra.
Ms Silver: Ok. I understand. *wipes her eyes and disapperates*
Lily: *walks in* Hey. You feeling ok?
Michael: Ok? I've never felt better!

Next episode will take place a few hours later.

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