Episode 31

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At the next meeting.

George: *comes through the fireplace with a chocolate egg* Hey guys, I brought the single chocolate egg you asked for.
Lily: Uncle George! *runs and hugs him*
James: *takes the egg* Cheers Uncle George.
George: May I ask why the one egg?
Hugo: McGonagall told us that we won't get as much punishment if we focus on her and not the entire teaching body.
Emily: And with mine and James' OWLs coming up, we don't want to be spending all our time in detention.
George: You know, I can't argue with that. So what's the egg gonna do?
Rose: Explode when she tries to eat it.
Michael: She's gonna be covered in chocolate!
Scorpius: It's going to be hysterical!
George: See if you can snap a picture. I would love to have that hanging up in shop.
Sophie: We'll do our best.
George: That's my Marauders. Right, I have a shop to attend to but I'll keep in touch. *goes back through the fireplace*

On the other side of the door.

McGonagall: *heard everything* Those little shits. *goes to her office and floos to Potter mansion*
Harry: Professor McGonagall! To what do we owe the pleasure?
McGonagall: Harry, please refrain from using the formalities. It has been a long time since you were a student of mine.
Harry: I'm sorry but you'll always be Professor to me. What's up?
McGonagall: Your children are planning another stunt to make my life a living hell, so I would like to employ your help to turn the tides on them.
Ginny: And so the pranked becomes the prankster. What have you got in mind Professor?
McGonagall: Well the marauders seem to be planning to have an Easter egg blow up in my face. Let's see how they like it.
Harry: I like the way you think Professor. We can intercept their egg, add our own in and let the magic happen.
McGonagall: That's brilliant Harry! Your father would be proud at the fine prankster you have become.

Back at the RoR.

James: *hears her grumble and storm away, smiles* Guys I think she took the bait.
Curtis: She thinks she has us all figured out.
Albus: No but we have her. She's not gonna do this alone. She's gonna turn to someone for help.
Rose: And who better to do that than the people who brought up 3 of the marauders 2.
Lily: This prank is gonna be sweet! And so will the chocolate!

The next episode will take place the day of the prank.

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