Episode 34

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On the train home for summer.

James: Well this has been an interesting half term.
Lily: Yeah, I love to be telepathically attacked by the evilest wizard to ever live.
Emily: Look Lily, I can't even imagine what you're going through. But please don't close off like this.
Hugo: Em's right Lils. We're here for you.
Albus: Exactly. You're family to all of us and we won't let you go through this alone.
Michael: Me especially. I'll be there for you every step of the way.
Lily: Ok, but I need you all to promise me something.
Rose: What is it first?
Lily: If he gets full control of my mind, take care of me. For good.
Scorpius: Absolutely not Lily! How could you ask that of us?!
Curtis: We're not gonna kill you Lily. End of discussion.
Sophie: We're the marauders 2. We can think of another way.
Lily: There is no other way! My powers are too unpredictable as they are. In the hands of the dark lord they'll be unstoppable.
Michael: Babe, no matter what you sat we're not killing you. If he ever manages to take your mind then we will get him out. The only one who has to die is him. *kisses the top of her head*

At King's Cross.

Lily: *runs up to Ginny and gives her a hug* Hey mum! *notices Harry isn't there* Where's dad?
Ginny: He's working around the clock to find the dark lord before he can return to power. *looks at Rose and Hugo* Your parents are also going to be working a lot so you'll be spending the summer at ours.

Later that evening.

Harry: *comes through the fireplace* Hey gang.
Ginny: *gets up and kisses his cheek* There's some curry in the pot on the table. I used a heating charm to keep it warm for you.
Harry: *smiles at her* You're too good to me Gin. *goes to the kitchen and dishes himself some curry before joining the others* So how was the rest of your term?
James: A little busy on my end, studying for my OWLs and helping Lily with everything.
Albus: Do we have any news on you know who yet?
Harry: His name is Voldemort, Albus, and no. He's completely off the grid. We've got ministries all over the world looking.
Lily: *gets up* I'm going to bed. Night guys. *hugs her mum and dad, gives Michael a peck on the cheek and goes upstairs*
Harry: *finishes his curry and stands up* I should also get to bed. I need to be rested before I start the search again tomorrow. *pecks Ginny on the lips and goes to bed*
James: *gets up, grabs a quill and some parchment and writes*
I know we've had our differences in the past but I want us to work together for the foreseeable future. Come by tomorrow around lunch so we can talk.
James Potter, M2
James: *goes over to his owl, gives him the letter and when it flies off he turns to his mum* We might be getting an extra guest for lunch tomorrow.
Ginny: That's fine dear. Who is it may I ask?
James: *smirks* It's a surprise, even to me... Night! *goes to bed*

Next episode will take place at lunch the next day.

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