Episode 20

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During the first Marauders 2 meeting of the year.

Rose: Ok marauders nothing too big today. We just want to go over what we are doing for the prank. Assigning roles and ordering everything we need from Weasley Wizard Wheezes.
Michael: So in case anyone forgot we decided on miniature pumpkin bots.
Lily: Me and Michael talked it over and decided it would be best if we uses remote control spell to activate them.
James: And there's gonna be about 50 of our little friends and since it's all magic we'll only need a few boxes of scrap metal.
Hugo: Me, Rose and Scorpius got talking over the summer and we decided.
Scorpius: We're gonna set up the damage dome before the feast.
Rose: Because McGonagall will probably be onto us after our last stunt with the bunny.
Sophie: That's good thinking you three.
Emily: Yeah. Me and Sophie still have a bit to learn about being marauders.
Lily: Don't worry about it girls. There's still plenty of time. We can make pranksters out of you yet.
Albus: Ok. So who's going to bring the bots in?
Michael: I'll bring some in.
Scorpius: I'll bring some in too.
James: I'll take what's left over.
Hugo: Brilliant. Who's gonna warn the house elves that the food could get messed up?
Emily: Me and Sophie can sort that out.
Sophie: Not an issue.
James: So that means that Albus, Hugo, and Lily are gonna be our main evacuators.
Albus: We'll meet here in a few days and start preparations on the bots.
Scorpius: And until that meeting. We solemnly swear that we are up to no good.

The next morning with Rose and Scorpius by the lake.

Rose: So do you think McGonagall is gonna discover our plans for Halloween?
Scorpius: No, she won't. We have to make sure she doesn't. If the doors open then we shift the room to something less suspicious.
Rose: That's really clever. This is why I love you.
Scorpius: Just for my brains?
Rose: Well it's one of the reasons. There's also your cute face, your humour, your kindness.
Scorpius: You're too sweet baby. *kisses her*
Rose: *kisses back*
Scorpius: *breaks the kiss* I love you so much Rose.
Rose: I love you too Scorpius. *kisses him again*
Scorpius: *kisses back*

Next episode will take place a few days later at the meeting.

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