Episode 6

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On the first day of the Christmas holidays when the Potter children get picked up.

Lily: *runs up to her parents and hugs them*
Harry: *hugs back* Hey lily. How are you enjoying Hogwarts so far?
Lily: It's really fun. I'm really enjoying it.

They go home and they take their trunks up to their rooms. At tea time.

Harry: So have you all learnt your lesson?
Albus: Yeah. We'll never do a prank that extreme again.
Ginny: You mean the troll?
Harry: Or dumping a bucket of water over the headmistress during the opening speech?
Lily: You know about that?
Ginny: McGonagall sent us a letter.
James: We were testing the waters.
Harry: Well I think I speak for us, auntie Hermione, uncle Ron and Draco when I say that we don't want any more pranks of that scale.
Albus: ok. We'll only water bomb teachers like Trelawney.
Ginny: *gives Albus a look*
Albus: *sees his mother's look* Just kidding mum.
Ginny: you better be.
Lily: ok. We get it. No pranks to the scale of a troll or as wet as McGonagall was.
Harry: Very well. *passes the map over to them*
James: Thanks dad! You're the best!

The next day at lunch.

Hermione: *apperates in with Ron and their kids* Are you still ok to watch them tonight?
Harry: Yeah.
Ron: Thanks mate. See you tomorrow. *disapperates with Hermione*
Rose: Can we invite Scorpius over uncle Harry?
Hugo: Can we also invite mine and Lily's friend, Michael?
Harry: Fine. Send them a letter.
Rose: Thanks uncle Harry. *writes Scorpius a letter*

Hey Scorpius,
I'm currently at Potter Manor and uncle Harry said that you can come over.
Hugs and kisses,
Rose xxx

Lily: Thanks dad. *writes a letter to Michael*

Hey Michael. Lily here. You can come round to mine for a bit if you want. Just say "Potter Manor" while using the floo network and you should get here fine.

They send the letters off. With Scorpius at Malfoy Manor.

Scorpius: *reads the letter* Hey dad? Would you mind if I went to Potter Manor for the day?
Draco: Not at all. Go have fun.
Scorpius: Thanks dad. *takes the floo to Potter Manor* 

At Michael's house.

Michael: *reads the letter* Can I go visit my friends please?
???: Why not do us a favour and spend the rest of your holidays there. *goes to get his trunk* Run along now brat.
Michael: *uses the floo network and goes to Potter Manor*

At Potter Manor when Scorpius gets there.

Harry: Hey Scorpius. Rose and Albus are in Albus' room.
Scorpius: Thanks Harry. *about to go upstairs when...*
Michael: *comes through the fire place dragging his trunk* Hey Mr Potter. Hey Scorp.
Scorpius: What do you need that fat trunk for Michael? You're only staying a few hours aren't you?
Michael: No. My mum's boyfriend kicked me out. Said to stay here for the rest of the holiday. Is that ok with you Mr Potter?
Harry: Depends on what you're asking about Michael. Am I ok with you staying here? Of course. Am I ok with the way your mum's boyfriend treated you? Absolutely not.
Scorpius: If you want kid. I can teach him a lesson. Marauder style.
Harry: Don't even think about it Scorpius. Just go see Rose and Albus. I'll help Michael here settle in.
Scorpius: ok ok. See you later. *goes upstairs*
Harry: I'll bunk you in with Hugo. He's only here for one night.
Michael: The Weasleys are staying the night? How come?
Harry: It's their parents weekly date night. Me and Ginny look after them and they pick them up in the morning. *takes him to Lily's room where lily and Hugo are* Michael's here. *goes to drop his trunk off in Hugo's room*

Late that night. There are 4 loud pops coming from Harry and Ginny's room and everyone goes to see what's wrong.

Rose: *screams* They're gone!
Lily: What?!

Next episode will take place right after this.

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