Episode 8

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The next morning.

Harry: *wakes up and kisses Ginny to wake her up*
Ginny: *wakes up, kisses back and breaks* Morning love.
Harry: Good morning beautiful. *sighs* I can't believe the kids saw us like that.
Ginny: I know. It was so embarrassing.
Teddy: *passing the door and hears the last comments* In their minds, they didn't. I modified their memories to make it look less embarrassing on your behalf.
Harry: Normally we would be against you modifying the kids memories.
Ginny: But we'll let it slide just this once. Thank you Teddy.
Teddy: Don't mention it auntie Ginny.
Harry: I'm guessing you'll be going back to lupin cottage after breakfast?
Teddy: Well after lunch. I need to do something before I go home.
Ginny: What are you planning Ted?
Teddy: Don't worry yourselves. You'll find out soon enough. *walks away*
Harry: Are you nervous about what he's going to do or is it just me?
Ginny: No. I'm scared too.

At breakfast the kids run downstairs followed by Harry and Ginny.

Teddy: *puts his arm out in front of Harry and Ginny* Just watch.

The kids all sit down and they get launched in the air and are dangling upside down from their chairs.

Michael: What the?!
Rose: Teddy!
James: Ok! Haha very funny.
Lily: Now put us down!
Albus: Please!
Teddy: Ok. Since you asked so nicely. *flips the chairs right side up and puts them down*
Scorpius: You still got it Teddy.
Hugo: As ruthless as always.
Teddy: Thank you. It's always a pleasure.
Harry: Are you finished now?
Teddy: On the contrary uncle. I've only just begun. *walks away grinning from ear to ear*
James: Not many things scare me. But he does.
Michael: Now I understand why he's the founder.
Lily: What do you say we fight fire with fire?
Albus: Prank Ted?
Scorpius: That's near Damn impossible.
Lily: But we have something he doesn't know about.
Hugo: Oh! That! I'm with you.
Harry: What are you planning kids?
Albus: We just want to give him a scare.
James: Like he did to us.
Rose: Alright. Let's go!

An hour later. With Teddy.

Teddy: *goes into the toilet*

A tentacle is coming out the toilet.

Teddy: What the! *pulls out his wand* Stupify!

The tentacle fades.

Lily: *drops the cloak and starts laughing* Oh Merlin! Your face!
Teddy: You mastered illusions?
Lily: Yup!
Teddy: Well at least I don't need to use the toilet now. But I will get you back for that! *walks past her room and casts an illusion spell that makes it look like it's filled with spiders*
Lily: *about to walk into her room, sees the spiders and uses a spell to get rid of them* Nice try Ted buy that's been done before!
Teddy: What?!
Lily: James did it a few years ago. I think you might be losing your touch old timer.
Teddy: Ok. Ok. Don't go that far. I just need to get back into the groove. But you win this time. I'm going home. *goes downstairs* See you later uncle Harry, Aunty Ginny. I'm going home.
Ginny: Ok Teddy. Be safe.
Harry: Thanks again for helping out.
Teddy: Anytime. *takes the floo back to his house*

Next episode will take place on Christmas Day.

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