Episode 25

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At the next meeting.

Lily: Welcome marauders 2 to our first meeting planning our Christmas prank.
Scorpius: First order of business is to officially welcome Curtis to our little crew.
Curtis: It's an honour to be here. Truly.
Sophie: Well next time you'll be joining in detention without having to start a riot.
Curtis: Coolest thing I've done to date.
Albus: You're gonna be doing a lot more cool stuff with us mate.
Emily: Can confirm that the stuff they do here is really cool.
James: Right, now let's get to business. What do we do for a prank at Christmas this year?
Curtis: What if we do something similar to what you did at the start of mine, Lily, Hugo and Michael's first year?
Michael: Oh the water bucket.
Hugo: *chuckles and sighs* The classics never fail to impress.
Curtis: That's what I'm saying. You've been thinking of the elaborate schemes but sometimes you just gotta go for a classic to just kick back and relax.
Rose: It's easy. It doesn't take much planning and McGonagall will never see it coming.
Lily: It's brilliant.
James: I see we made the right call making you a member of the marauders 2 Curtis.
Curtis: Well as one of your biggest fan I know what the people will enjoy. As much as we enjoy all the elaborate schemes sometimes we just want you to dump a bucket of water on a teacher's head again.
Sophie: But since it's Christmas how about instead of water we dump eggnog on her head.
Scorpius: And what if all of the teachers get our present. We can't be showing favouritism now can we?
Curtis: There's the marauders I remember from my first day.
Albus: It feels nice not having to worry about building some crazy contraption.
Curtis: And the people are gonna love it.

Next episode will take place a few days before the prank.

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