Episode 30

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In the first marauders 2 meeting after the Christmas holidays.

James: Welcome back everyone. First of all I would like to congratulate the newest couple of the group, Michael and Lily.
Everyone: *applauds*
James: And I would also like to say that Michael, if you hurt my little sister I will hex you into oblivion.
Michael: I would never hurt her James. I care for her too much to do that.
Lily: Aww. So sweet. *kisses his cheek*
James: But now that we have that out the way, Albus and Sophie were in charge of the Easter prank so I'll let them take over. *sits down*
Sophie & Albus: *walks to the front of the room hand in hand*
Sophie: So we were thinking of bewitching some Easter eggs so that they would explode when you're about to eat them.
Albus: And then giving them to the teachers during the Easter feast.
Rose: We would be in detention for a month!
Curtis: True, but it would totally be worth it.
Scorpius: *chuckles* This kid is a marauder through and through.
Curtis: What can I say? You guys are bad influences.
Hugo: You said it Curtis.
Emily: May I request that we get it knocked out in the first couple of weeks? The OWLs are getting close and my parents will freak if I don't pass all of them.
James: You know, now that I'm thinking about it, so will mine.
Lily: Also, let's not forget we have dates with McGonagall this week.
Sophie: Well remembered lily. I actually forgot.

The next day in detention.

Lily: *whilst writing her lines* Did you have a good holiday professor?
McGonagall: It was quite pleasant after I finished washing the eggnog out of my hair.
James: Still mad about that?
McGonagall: Of course I am Potter! I can put up with me being the sole target of your practical jokes but when you get the entire teacher body that's when it's too far.
Sophie: So what I'm hearing is...
Albus: As long as we don't go for the entire teaching body...
Rose: Our antics won't be as badly punished?
Michael: Thanks for letting us know Professor.
McGonagall: *sighs, shakes her head and mutters* I just signed my own death warrant...

Next episode will take place the next meeting.

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