Episode 2

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Saturday morning with the new trio (lily, Hugo and Michael)

Michael; Does anyone know when the next initiation prank is? How does the Marauders work?
Hugo: They'll bring it upon you when you least expect it.
Lily: And if you decline then you can't join. Marauders have no fear. They say yes to anything.
Michael: I don't think anything could be as extreme as the bucket prank. You pranked the headmistress for crying out loud!
Lily: Don't underestimate my brothers Michael. Chances are you will regret it.
Hugo: That's one Easter Sunday I'll never forget. *shivers*
Michael: What are you on about hu?
Lily: He bet my brothers that they couldn't prank him before Easter Sunday was done.
Hugo: They made my chicken dance on the table and then run upstairs into the toilet. Then proceeded to fill their plates.
Lily: Long story short no food for hu. *laughs*
Hugo: Well there was this one prank that they did to lily where they filled her room with fake spiders from my uncle's joke shop. The screams were hysterical.
Lily: I'm sorry but if you opened you're bedroom door and saw the room full of spiders you wouldn't exactly be chill would you chicken run?
Michael: Ooh. Damn lily that was a little harsh don't you think?
Lily: It's fine he calls me screaming spider.
Hugo: It's true. I do that.
Michael: *sighs* What are you guys like?
James: *walks up behind Michael and raps his shoulder*
Michael: Oh hey James. How can I help?
James: The council has decided what your initiation prank will be.
Michael: Great! What do I have to do?
James: Help me get into Lily's detention this afternoon.
Michael: Why do you want to get in?
James: Knowing McGonagall she's gonna have lily do lines. Maybe one hundred. I know a spell that can help her get done with it quicker. 3rd year or above. If I can get in I can cast it. You just need to get her out. Use that mischievous side.
Hugo: He might need access to the inventory.
James: Very true hu. I didn't even think of that. You can take 3 items from our special inventory Michael.
Michael: Can I see it?
James: Yeah follow me. *leads him off to his room and opens his trunk the pulls a cloak off the inside lid revealing the inventory*
Michael: *takes two wizbangs and some darkness powder* This should keep you covered.
James: Do this and you're in.
Michael: I understand James. You can count on me.
James: *puts the cloak back on the inventory* Dad's cloak always comes in handy.
Michael: Wait? That cloak belongs to Harry Potter?
James: Yeah. His father passed it down to him and he passed it down to me.
Michael: Mate that's pretty awesome.
James: Yeah and don't forget Lily's detention is right after lunch. McGonagall's office is on the second floor. I hope you have a plan for those.
Michael: Don't even worry about it James. I have it all planned out. You only need 5 minutes. I can cover that.
James: Well 5 minutes tops. Good luck small fry.
Michael: Alright chill out. We're not that close yet.

After lunch McGonagall leads Lily to her office and Michael follows them, McGonagall leads Lily up the stairs into her office. Albus is stationed in the courtyard. Scorpius directly above and Rose next to Michael. James is on his broom outside of the window. In McGonagall's office.

McGonagall: *puts a piece of parchment in front of Lily* I want you to write "I will not interrupt the speech" 100 times.
Lily: Ok Professor. *starts writing*
James: *gives the signal to Albus*
Albus: *gives the signal to Scorpius*
Scorpius: *gives the signal to Rose*
Rose: *says to Michael* Best of luck kid. *runs off with Scorpius towards the courtyard*
Michael: Alright it's down to me. *sets off one of the wizbangs*
McGonagall: *hears it* For Merlin's sake! *goes down the stairs*
James: *opens the window and goes in* Old timers. *goes over to lily* 100?
Lily: Yep.
James: Some people never change. *takes his wand out* Speeda.
Lily: *writes the rest of her lines really fast* Thanks James.
James: Anytime little sis. But I gotta role. This office is invite only. *goes to the window, gets on his broom and flies to the courtyard where the others are*

With McGonagall and Michael.

McGonagall: What is going on here?!
Michael: I'm really sorry Professor. I accidentally set one of my wizbangs off. *sets the other one off as well* Sorry. I don't know how these work!
McGonagall: *tries to use magic but fails for about five minutes before she succeeds* You need to be more careful boy.
Michael: You're right professor. I really do. But no promises! *uses the darkness powder and runs off to the courtyard to meet with the others*
McGonagall: *clears the darkness powder and sighs* Marauder. *goes back upstairs*
Lily: I've done my lines Professor.
McGonagall: What? *looks to see she has* Very well Potter. You're free to go.
Lily: Thank you professor. *leaves and meets with everyone else in the courtyard*
Scorpius: Nice work Michael. I think it's safe to say you're officially in now.
Rose: I second that.
James: I'd say so. If it wasn't for him keeping McGonagall busy for as little as he did we wouldn't have pulled it off.
Albus: Well I think that they've decided you've earned this. *gives him the marauders card (yes lily got one too)* We would like to officially welcome you into the Marauders 2.
Michael: Thanks guys.
Scorpius: Two initiation pranks down. One to go.
Rose: Look out little bro. You're next.
Lily: This should be fun.

Next episode will take place the day of Hugo's initiation prank.

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