Episode 7

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Starting from where we left off last time.

Hugo: We need to call the aurors!
Scorpius: *picks up a note* Not the best idea. We call the aurors, they die.
Lily: *crying* What do we do?
Rose: *comforts her* Don't worry lils. We'll figure something out.
James: *gets an idea, runs downstairs and floos somewhere*
Albus: *hears the floo go off and smiles* James you smart son of a gun.
Michael: Where has he gone?
Rose: *sees Albus' look* The founder?
Albus: Yep.
Lily: *smiling* Then whoever took Mum and Dad are in for an unpleasant surprise.

At the location where James floo to.

James: *runs in and runs up to the master bedroom* Teddy! We need your help!
Teddy: *half asleep* What do you want James? It's the middle of the night?
James: Mum and dad have been kidnapped!
Teddy: *fully awake* What?!
James: And there was a note saying that if we called the aurors they're gonna kill them.
Teddy: And you chose me to help?
James: Yeah. We need a sharp eye and Marauders mind. And you have both of them. You founded the Marauders 2. We need you.
Teddy: What's the roster?
James: Me, lily and Albus. Rose and Hugo. Scorpius and a new kid called Michael.
Teddy: Let's go. *grabs onto James and apperates them to Harry and Ginny's bedroom* Greetings Marauders.
Lily: Teddy! *hugs him*
Teddy: *hugs back* It's good to see you too lils. But now's not the time. Scorpius let me see the note.
Scorpius: *passes him the note*
Teddy: *uses wandless magic so he doesn't touch it, places his wand to it* Show me who has touched this parchment from most recent to when it was first written.

The writing changes from the original message to...

Scorpius Malfoy
Cho Chang
Dean Thomas

Scorpius: I picked it off the floor.
Lily: Cho Chang and Dean Thomas? I've heard those names before.
Albus: They used to date mum and dad! They must be trying to get back together with them!
James: They'd be lucky if they do! Nothing can break a true loves bond.
Lily: *focusing* I'm seeing if I can use my daughter's bond to find them.
Hugo: Lily no! It takes too much energy!
Lily: *eyes flick open and she sees Harry tied to a bed and then it zooms out to reveal the house* *falls on the floor panting* They're in Potter cottage. It's been renovated.
Teddy: Someone get lily her potion to recover. We'll need her for my plan.

After lily is recovered they sit around the table.

Michael: So what's your idea Teddy?
Teddy: Well lily can teleport. Which is like apperation but it doesn't make a sound. If she can teleport in and knock them out then we can swoop in and leave them to the aurors.
Albus: So Ted. How does it feel to use the marauder side of you again?
Teddy: Honestly? It feels great! Now, I'll take you lot to outside the cottage. Lily, you go into the room you saw uncle Harry in. Remember, knock them out. Don't fatally harm them, as tempting as it may be.
Lily: I know teddy. I'm mad. I'm not a murderer. *uses James' invisibility cloak and teleports inside the room where Harry is*
Harry: *tied to a bed with Cho leaning on him* Get off me Chang!
Cho: No. You will be mine forever.
Lily: *thinks* I don't think so. *picks up a vase and drops it on her head and takes her wand out* Pertrificus Totalus!
Cho: *limp body snaps together*
Lily: Dad where's mum?
Harry: Lily? What are you doing here?
Lily: I'm saving your behind. Now where's mum so I can save hers too?
Harry: She's across the hall. Be careful.
Lily: I will. *goes across the hall and sees Dean forcing himself onto ginny* *thinks* Not to my mum you don't. *uses levitation and slams him into the floor then body binds him like she did with cho* *goes downstairs and lets everyone in and takes off the cloak* Two incapacitated criminals upstairs the first doors on your left and right.
Teddy: Nice going. I'm going to take them outside and you guys untie them.

When they all get back to Potter Manor.

Harry: Thank you. All of you. You've shown true spirit and teamwork but it is two in the morning. We'll talk about it later.

They all say goodnights and go back to bed.

Next episode will take place later in the morning at a reasonable time.

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