Episode 19

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The morning they go back to Hogwarts.

Ms Silver: *comes through the fireplace with her trunk and a black eye* I owe Michael an apology.
Harry: Yes you do. Let me go get him. *goes up to Michael* Michael mate. You've got a visitor.
Michael: Ok. *goes downstairs and sees his mum with a black eye* Mum, what happened?
Harry: *walks downstairs and watches what happens*
Ms Silver: You were right about Daniel. He is abusive. I'm sorry I didn't believe you kid.
Michael: He's been doing it for years mum. Every bruise. Every black eye. And when I tried to tell you, you just called me a liar and sent me to my room.
Ms Silver: I know and I'm sorry.
Michael: Sorry?! I'm your son! You believed that ass over me! Sorry isn't going to fix this! *goes up to his room*
Ms Silver: Harry, could you go and talk some sense into him?
Harry: No, the kid is talking some sense. He makes a good point. *looks at his watch* We need to get going soon.
Ms Silver: Where are you going?
Harry: King's Cross. It's September 1st. The kids are going back to Hogwarts today.
Ginny: *comes downstairs* The kids are all packed.
Harry: Cheers Gin. *shouts up the stairs* Come on! We don't want to be late do we? Move! Move! Move!

The kids take their trunks out to the car. When Michael goes past he gives his mum a dirty look.

Lily: What was that about?
Albus: Yeah, who was that?
Michael: My mum. She allowed her boyfriend to abuse me for years because she didn't believe that he abused me.
James: That sucks. I wonder what she's doing here.
Michael: *puts his trunk in the car* She found out that I wasn't lying. I'm guessing that without me he had to redirect his anger somewhere else.
Lily: So he turned on your mum.
Michael: Yep.

Back inside.

Ginny: So you're Michael's mother. I wish it was a pleasure but after hearing about your encounter with my husband I'm afraid it's not.
Harry: Let me guess. He kicked you out too?
Ms Silver: *nods*
Ginny: What are we thinking Harry?
Harry: Well she needs a place to stay but i don't want her to stay here. You know what. Go and stay at Potter cottage. But only until you can find a place of your own.
Ms Silver: Thank you. *takes the floo to Potter cottage*
Harry: Shall we get going?
Ginny: Yes let's go.

They go out to the car and drive to King's Cross. On the platform.

Michael: Thanks for having me this summer guys.
Harry: Don't worry about it Michael. It was a pleasure.
Ginny: Have a good term and we'll see you at Christmas.
James: Yep. See you guys later. *gets on the train, his siblings and Michael then get into an empty compartment*
Rose: *walks in with Hugo* Hello. *sits next to Albus*
Hugo: Hey guys. *sits next to Lily*
Scorpius: *walks in* Hey guys. *sits next to Rose and kisses her cheek*
Sophie: *walks in with Emily* Hello marauders.
Emily: Are we ready for another term of mischief?
Lily: Too right we are.
James: Speaking of mischief. It's been a year since Lily, Hugo and Michael joined.
Scorpius: And now we welcome them to the council.

Next episode will take place in the first meeting of the year.

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