Episode 11

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The day of James and Albus' dates.

James: So what are you doing with Sophie today?
Albus: Probably just going to go to honeydukes and sit in the park. Just get to know each other. What about you? What are you planning on doing with Emily?
James: I'm going to take her to Madame puddifoots tea shop since it's quiet this time of year. I don't really want to get swarmed by people. You know?
Albus: I know. It doesn't help that I'm the only potter kid in Slytherin.
James: True. I wonder why that happened. I mean you're not evil in any way.
Albus: Neither is Scorpius.
James: Yeah but I think if any of the potter kids were evil, lily would be the most likely.
Albus: True that. I wonder what other powers she has. There's levitation and invisibility that we know of.
James: She also has that bond to dad that helped us find them when they were kidnapped.
Lily: *appears in the room* You guys were talking about me?
James & Albus: *looks at each other and says at the same time* Teleportation.
Lily: Discovered it this morning. Already made dad brick himself by teleporting over to the Weasleys. He was not impressed.
James: Are you thinking what I'm thinking Al?
Albus: A whole new level of pranks?
James: Exactly.
Harry: *shouts to them* Come on boys m! You don't want to be late do you?
Lily: Yeah, you don't want to be late to meet with your girlfriends!
James & Albus: Be quiet lily. *walks downstairs and takes the fireplace to Hogsmeade*

They meet up with their dates and split up. With Albus and Sophie on the way to honeydukes.

Sophie: So how did the whole marauder thing start?
Albus: Well my dad's dad was in a pranking group called the marauders then my older brother Teddy got a bunch of friends and started what is now the marauders 2. The best pranking group in the whole history of Hogwarts.
Sophie: Yeah I mean you've pulled some impressive stunts. Like the bucket of water over McGonagall's head. That was funny.
Albus: Ah. It's nice to have a fan.
Sophie: Wow. Real smooth Romeo.
Albus: Well if I'm Romeo then does that make you Juliet?
Sophie: I'm not opposed to that.
Albus & Sophie: *both laugh a bit*
Albus: So what do you normally get from honeydukes?
Sophie: A pack of berty botts, some jelly eyes and a couple chocolate frogs.
Albus: All good choices. But I prefer exploding Bon Bon's over jelly eyes.
Sophie: It's been a while since I've had an exploding Bon Bon.
Albus: Don't worry. I'll give you some of mine.

They get their sweets and go sit in the park.

Sophie: ok so how about a game of truth or dare. Try and get to know each other a bit better?
Albus: Sounds fun. Truth or dare?
Sophie: Truth.
Albus: How many siblings do you have, and should I be worried about any of them?
Sophie: *giggles* I have 2 brothers, one older and the other younger. You should be worried about my older brother as he is very protective. Truth or Dare?
Albus: Truth.
Sophie: You've probably heard it before but, is it hard being the only potter child in Slytherin?
Albus: It can be hard sometimes but my family and friends don't care, we all just laugh and hang out and don't really acknowledge it.
Sophie: I'm honestly surprised that you're in Slytherin. I think lily is worse than you.
Albus: not even joking me and James we're talking about this exact thing like 10 minutes ago.

They talk and play for a while. With James and Emily at the tea shop.

Emily & James: *walks in and sits down*
???: *walks up* Hello James. How are you?
James: I'm fine madam puddifoot.
Madam Puddifoot: That's good. Who's this lovely young girl? *gestures to Emily*
James: This is Emily. Emily this is madam puddifoot, the shop owner.
Emily: It's nice to meet you.
Madam puddifoot: You too. Usual James? 1 and a half tea spoons of sugar, sweetener and a splash of milk?
James: Yes please madam.
Madam Puddifoot: And what will the lady have?
Emily: I'm half a tea spoon of sugar with a quarter milk please.
Madam Puddifoot: Ok they'll be ready in 5 minutes or so until then feel free to help yourself to the biscuits *walks off*
Emily: You know the shop owner?
James: Dad's been bringing us to this tea shop since we were young and she's become a family friend.

They both talk about family and school. About an hour later.

Emily: *looks at the time* Shoot! I lost track of time. I got to go.
James: Wait! Can I ask you a question?
Emily: Just make it quick.
James: ok. Do you want to be my girlfriend?
Emily: Yes! I'd love to. *kisses him*
James: *kisses back*
Emily: *breaks* I gotta go. I'll write to you and I'll see you when we get back to Hogwarts. *leaves*

Back to Albus and Sophie in the park.

Sophie: I've had a really great time today. Thank you Albus.
Albus: No problem. Can I ask you something before you go?
Sophie: Of course. What is it?
Albus: I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?
Sophie: Of course I will! *kisses him*
Albus: *kisses back*

Next episode will take place on the train back to Hogwarts.

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