Episode 33

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After Lily has been checked on.

Harry & Ginny: *comes through the fireplace looking worried and hurries over to Lily's bed*
Lily: Mum! Dad! You're here!
Ginny: Of course we are sweetheart. How are you feeling?
Lily: I've been better but I'll be fine. Madame Pomfrey said it was just a migraine attack.
Harry: Well that's good then. Thank Merlin you'll be ok.
Michael: Harry, can I have a word please?
Harry: Of course. *steps to the side out of range from the others* What's up kid?
Michael: I don't think Lily is being completely honest with you. Before she was brought here she screamed "Get out of my head. Get out."
Harry: You think she was attacked telepathically?
Michael: It's possible. I'm just saying to have a word with her.
Harry: I will. *walks over to Lily* Can I have a few minutes alone to speak to Lily please? You can stay Gin.

The others nod and leave them alone.

Lily: What's up dad?
Harry: Michael told me what you screamed before you were brought here.
Lily: *mumbles* I'm gonna kill him.
Harry: He's just worried about you Lily. We all are.
Ginny: Lily, if you heard a voice or anything then tell us. What did it sound like?
Lily: *sighs* It was cold. High. Void of human emotion.
Ginny: *looks at Harry* Babe...
Harry: *shakes his head* No. No it can't be.
Ginny: Harry, we need to consid-
Harry: No! It can't be him! I didn't spend a year on the run, destroying his horcruxes for him to show up now after I'm finally happy.
McGonagall: *from the door* Harry, you aren't talking about who I think you're talking about being back?
Harry: *sighs* Lord Voldemort is returning to power and he's connected to Lily...

Next episode will take place on the train home for summer.

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