Episode 12

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On the train to Hogwarts. With Michael, lily and Hugo.

Lily: So Michael. Did you enjoy your first potter Christmas?
Michael: Yeah, I really enjoyed it. Thanks for having me.
Lily: I'm pretty sure that mum and dad will have you over at any time.
Hugo: It's the potters we are talking about here. They accept anyone into their home.
Lily: true. But only if they have the best intentions.
Michael: that's me inside and out.

In a compartment with rose and Scorpius.

Rose: did you have a nice Christmas baby?
Scorpius: Yes I did, thank you. And you? Did you enjoy your Christmas?
Rose: Yes I did. *kisses his cheek*
Scorpius: Hey, do you know where Albus is? He normally sits with us.
Rose: He's gone into a different compartment with Sophie.
Scorpius: Really? A couple days ago he couldn't talk to her without stuttering 20 times a sentence.
Rose: Well now they are an item. Albus asked her a few days ago.
Scorpius: Really? That's my boy!

In Albus and Sophie's compartment.

Sophie: Did you enjoy your holidays Albus?
Albus: Yes I did. Did you?
Sophie: I did, thanks for asking. Have you planned anything with the marauders?
Albus: I think there's going to be a meeting in a few days to plan our next big prank.
Sophie: I guess I won't be able to get the gossip on it?
Albus: Afraid not. The only people who are allowed to know about the pranks are the marauders. It's the rules.
Sophie: Don't sweat it. I understand. *kisses his cheek*

In James and Emily's compartment.

Emily: Did you enjoy your holidays babe?
James: Well they were certainly interesting.
Emily: Are you going to tell me what happened?
James: Well a couple of old flames of my parents decided to drop in and take them to an abandoned house for a bit of "fun"
Emily: Oh my god, they didn't did they?
James: Don't know. But after a bit of marauder magic we were able to get them back. We taught them never to mess with the potter kids.
Emily: Too right! No child should have their parents taken away from them. That's just wrong.
James: Well they won't be doing it again I'm telling you. They are in Azkaban for what will probably be life.

That evening in the RoR. With the marauders 2.

Rose: So first order of business, I want to address the matter of Albus' and James' new girlfriends. I don't want you to keep them in the dark.
Scorpius: So if you are for Sophie and Emily joining the marauders 2 raise your hands.

Everyone raises their hands.

Rose: Then that's settled. *writes two notes and sends them off in two different directions*
Emily and Sophie: *walks in after 5 minutes*
Lily: I see you ladies accepted our invitation.
Scorpius: Welcome to the marauders 2.

Next episode will take place right after this.

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