Episode 16

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The morning of the Easter feast. In the room of requirement.

James: Ok Marauders! Today is the day. Bonkers bunny. Let's go over roles.
Albus: Me, Rose and Scorpius are going to cast the spell.
Sophie: Me and Emily are on evacuation.
Lily: Us kids are gonna make sure everything is ready in the hall and kitchen.
James: And I'm going to do some last minute checks on our bunny.
Michael: This is going to be good! *looks at Sophie and Emily* You ladies looking forward to it?
Sophie: Yeah I mean we've put a lot of work into this. I'm looking forward to the outcome.
Emily: Yeah hard work, good job everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing McGonagall's face when she finds out.
Hugo: That is going to be comical.
Rose: Very true Hu.
Scorpius: Ok. Golden trio jr. Go make sure the elves are prepared.
Lily: On it. *grabs a cloak then walks out*
Michael & Hugo: *also grabs a cloak and follows Lily out*
Emily: She's a little bossy isn't she?
James & Albus: Welcome to our world.

With the kids in the dungeons outside the kitchens.

Lily: *had her cloak on with the boys. Knocks on the kitchen door*
House elf: *opens the door* How can I help?
Lily: Did you get our message?
House elf: Yes. We've made the extra food.
Lily: Very good. Farewell. *leaves with the boys*
Michael: Ok. Now let's go put the notes under plates.
Lily: I can use my powers to hold the plates up while you guys put the slips underneath them.

They do that then head to the common room.

Rose: You guys done?
Lily: Yup. All done. It's up to everyone else now.
James: *walks in and up to them* Everything is clear. You kids done damage control?
Lily: You know it bro.
James: Brilliant. I've implored some help from the founder. He'll be coming in through a fireplace that I've set up in the base. *pulls out three shockers* He's going to send a signal when he's ready. Put them on as so McGonagall can't see. *passes them to Rose* Make sure Albus and Scorpius do the same.
Rose: What are we supposed to say if she sees us? It's going to look suspicious for the three of us all leave at the same time.
James: Just use the toilet excuse. What's she gonna do? Follow you?
Hugo: He makes a good point. That would be weird.

At the start of the feast.

Lily: *drops 4 small balls on the ground that go to the four corners of the room* Damage dome activate.
Albus, Rose & Scorpius: *an hour in receive the shock signal and gets up but stops when McGonagall calls on them*
McGonagall: Where are you three going?
Albus, Rose & Scorpius: Toilet.
McGonagall: At the same time?
Albus: Sheer coincidence.
McGonagall: Fine. Go.
Albus, Rose & Scorpius: *Exits the hall*
Teddy: Hello you three. Here's your rabbit.
Albus: Cheers Ted. Ok. Let's do it.
Albus, Rose & Scorpius: *aims their wands at it* Bonkorum!
Rabbit: *absorbs the spells and breaks through the door and jumps on the Hufflepuff table*
Emily & Sophie: *immediately start helping people out the doors*
McGonagall: *Trying to hit the bunny with the other teachers but keep missing*
Teddy: *after everyone is out, grabs onto the door handles* Have fun with that professors. *closes the door*
Lily: *high fives everyone* Nice work.
Albus: Mark it down as another success!
Teddy: It was a pleasure working with you. But I have to go before McGonagall is finished with the bunny.
McGonagall: *opens the doors* Too late! Marauders! In here! Now!

Once all the marauders are back in the hall.

McGonagall: First of all. Teddy I'm disappointed. I thought you would have left this childish behaviour here and grown up after you left.
Teddy: Growing old but never growing up.
McGonagall: Second of all. Look at the damages! The tables! The food!
Lily: One step ahead of you professor. Damage dome down!

Suddenly the damages start to fix themselves.

McGonagall: So you fixed the tables but what about the food that the house elves worked so hard on.
Michael: We have that covered too. *claps his hands twice and the backup food appears*
James: As you can see professor, we have taken the necessary steps to make sure that we reduce collateral damage and not ruin the feast for everyone else.
Albus: And thanks to our newest members. *gestures to Sophie and Emily* We got everyone out safely.
McGonagall: I was not aware that they were marauders until now. I'm sort of impressed that you pulled that one over on me. And I'm also impressed that you went to extra measures too.
Rose: Of course we would. We don't want to hurt anyone.
Scorpius: We just want to have fun and live outside the box.
Hugo: But we also take responsibility for our actions.
Teddy: Speaking of which. All together now!
All: We solemnly swear that we are up to no good!

Next episode will take place the day they get home for summer.

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