Episode 24

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With the marauders 2 in the detention.

Lily: *smiles at Michael*
Michael: *smiles back*
Scorpius: *hears loud noises outside of the room so looks out*
McGonagall: Eyes on the parchment. *opens the door* How can I help you all?
Student: Free the marauders! They're one of the only fun things about this school
McGonagall: I'm afraid not. They broke school rules.
Student: We weren't in any danger! And that damage dome thing cleaned up all the mess so I don't see the problem.
McGonagall: You can all join them if you like?
Student: Ok. *walks in and sits down* What we doing?

The rest of the students walk in and sit down.

McGonagall: You're all being serious?
Student: If they get detention for having some fun then we'll stand with them.
McGonagall: Very well. *gives them all a sheet of parchment* 100 lines of saying the Marauders need to stop putting people in danger.

After detention, everyone but the marauders 2 have left.

McGonagall: Seems you have a fan club.
James: Yep. I guess it's true what they say, 100 followers drown out the one hater.
Albus: Looks like you might be a little outnumbered.
Hugo: May we leave now?
McGonagall: If you must.
Rose: *when walking down the corridor she holds Scorpius' hand* How cool was that? All those people sticking up for us.
Michael: I wouldn't have thought anything like it would happen.
Sophie: I know right?
Emily: This is amazing.
Student: *walks up to them* Hey guys.
Hugo: Hey. You were that guy who was in charge of the group.
Student: The names Curtis.
James: Well it's a pleasure to meet Curtis.
Albus: What year are you in?
Curtis: Third year.
Lily: So are us three. *gestures to herself, Hugo and Michael*
Rose: We were just saying how cool it is that we have so many admirers.
Curtis: Your pranks are why most people look forward to major holidays. There's a bunch of speculation about it. "What are they gonna do next? Do you think McGonagall knows?"
Scorpius: Spoiler alert, she never does.
James: You know what? I like you kid. How would you like a place on the marauders 2?
Curtis: Really? Are you serious?
James: Hundred percent. Council, let's hold a vote. I say we let Curtis into the marauders 2.
Hugo: Seconded.
Lily: Thirded.
Albus: Fourthed.
Michael: Fifthed.
Scorpius: Sixed.
Rose: Seventhed.
James: It's settled. *mimics a sword tapping on Curtis' shoulder with his hand* Welcome to the marauders 2.
Scorpius: *writes on a slip of parchment* Go here tomorrow evening.

Next episode will take place the next evening.

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