Chapter 2:

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"Well, here we are." Dylan said as we walked into her house.

"Wow, this place is beautiful." I looked around at the cabin themed living room, my mouth open in awe.

"Thanks. It was my grandparents. They build it with their own hands."

We went up to her room. I couldn't stop looking around at everything. Her huge king size bed, her vanity table. Her whole house was cabin themed, so exquisite.

"My parents won't be home until twelve tonight. Mom gave me some money to order some pizza and she rented us a couple scary movies."

"Awesome. I love scary movies."

We sat on her bed and she looked at me.

"So did Jace go to choir today?"

"Yup, Mr. Boston made us sing together. He has the most incredible voice I have ever heard. The teacher made us the lead vocalist."

"That's awesome. Did he talk to you?"

"He said hi but after we sang he went back to his normal self. I avoided him as much as possible."

"Yup, that sounds like Jace. He wasn't always like that. He's been nothing but an asshole for a while now. I don't really think he is capable of feeling anymore."

Sounds like me.

"He's a bit scary." I said.

"Yeah, That's why I always stay away."

I laughed. "So how did you and the others meet?"

I wanted to change the subject; I didn't want to talk about Jace anymore.

"Jaelyn and Diana got kicked out of their group for defending us."


"Yeah, we were being picked on one day by their leader and they didn't like that so we've been friends ever since. Mattie and I grew up together. We were neighbors all through our childhood. I met Nick last year in Math; he was new so I helped him get caught up. As for Louis, he says he left his group because of differences but I believe there is more to the story. I believe it's about Mattie. Lou was a part of Jace's group. They have been best friends since grade school.

"Wow, well, I'm glad you all got really close."

"And now you are added to our group of misfits."

I smiled "thanks for accepting me."

"Have you seen the group? You fit right in!"

"So, have you told Nick how you feel?"

"No, of course not!" She blushed. "I'm afraid too."

"Why?" I said.

"Rejection." She said softly.

"Girl, he wouldn't in his right mind reject you. You're gorgeous! You don't even see the way he looks at you, do you?"

"He looks at me?"

"Yeah, he looks at you with so much love and admiration."

"How do you know?"

"Because he looks at you the way my daddy used to look at my mom."

"Use too?" She said, "Or should I even ask?"

Why did I say that?

"It's fine. He died in a car accident three years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

The room was quiet for a few, an awkward silence.

"Let's order pizza!" She said jumping up.

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