Chapter 7:

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"Today is going to be a good day." I said. I sat up and stretched, waking up my sleepy limbs. I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower. After stripping my clothes off, I stepped on the scale.

"85 pounds." I said out loud. "I've lost five more pounds!"

I got off and stepped into the hot shower. The hot water covered me instantly. I washed my hair and body with my favorite strawberry wash. I stood there a little longer before getting out. I wrapped the towel around me and put the second towel through my hair, drying it a little. I braided my damp hair to the side and headed to my room. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to wear but finally decided on my leather skinny jeans, a Sleeping with Sirens shirt and my heel booties. I looked myself over in my full length mirror.

"Oh, glasses." I said. Forgetting I had my glasses on, I rushed to the bathroom. I grabbed my contact case and took out one of my contacts, steadying it on my finger.

"Zoë, you are going to be late!"

"Shit!" I said as the contact fell off my finger and went into the drain. "No no. Please no."

I looked through the drawers and cabinet for more but no luck.

"This can't be happening!" I said. "Great, fucking great!"

I put my glasses back on and headed down stairs. This day is already starting to be so fantastic.

"You're wearing your glasses?" Mom said.

"Yes! I have no fucking choice. I dropped my last contact down the drain

"Calm down, Zo. I will order you some today after work." She said,

"Okay." I sighed. "I'm sorry." I grabbed my key and left the house.


My heart started beating nervously when I pulled up to the school. I can't be seen in these things, it would be the end of me. I took my glasses off as I headed into the school. Everything was blurry; I slowly made it to my locker.

"Uhh, Zoë." Stan, my locker neighbor said. "That's my locker."

"Oh, sorry." I put on my glasses and kept my head down.

"Are you okay this morning?" He asked.

"Yeah, fine." I didn't look up.

"Hey Zoë." Diamond said. "Are you okay?"

"Uh huh. Yeah." I said. I kept my head down, trying not to meet her eye.

"What is up?" She asked, touching my shoulder. "Do you have a pimple or something? I can help you hide it."

"No." I sighed and looked at her.

"Eww! Why are you wearing those? I didn't know you wore glasses. You look like a nerd!"

"Di, it's still me!" I took off my glasses. "See, I have to wear them until I get more contacts." I put them back on.

"I'm sorry, Zoë but I can't be seen with you." She said,

"You have got to be kidding me!" I said. "All because I have glasses. I'm still the same person."

"Yeah, a freak."

"If I'm such a freak then why were you so nice to me?"

"I pitied you!" She said, "Did you actually think you could be popular?"

I felt the tears start to build up. I felt betrayed.

"But everything you told me..."

"Was a lie." She finished. "You will never be perfect. You will always be a freak." She turned and left, leaving me crying in the hallway.

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