Chapter 21:

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I woke up that next morning with Jace next to me. I didn't even hear him come in last night. Fear crept through me at the fact Jace could have seen what I've done. I quietly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I took off the soiled bandage and threw it away. I looked at the dreadful marks from that careless night, they were raw and red. I sighed, the weight of disappointment sat on my shoulders, regret in my heart. That's something that will never go away. I made my way to the tub, turning on the water. I got in and washed quickly and got out. I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a sports bra that was lying on the bathroom floor. I looked myself over in the mirror, I put on some weight since I was in the hospital. I wasn't as thin as before. If it wasn't for the regretful urge I probably would have had a chance of staying home. I looked at my bruised stomach; it was darker than yesterday, in fact it looked a whole lot worse. I sighed and grabbed my brush. I hummed Somebody as I brushed my hair.

"Explain this!" Jace said barging in. I jumped dropping, my brush on the floor. I went to pick up when Jace grabbed my wrist.

"Leave it!" He snapped. "What is this?"

I looked up at him. He had anger in his red, puffy eyes.

"Jace, please." I said. "Can we talk later?"

"No, Zoë." He said, turning me around. "Now."

He gasped, his face going pale as his eyes scanned my abdomen.

I covered myself up with my arms as fast as I could.

"What happened? Did you do this?" He yelled. "Don't lie to me!"

"Jace, please. Not now." I pleaded.

"No, Zoë. Now!"

He had so much anger in his eyes; I flinched under his cold stare. I felt the tears swell up.

"Fine." I said looking away. "Diamond attacked me in the bathroom yesterday and beat me. I seriously don't know how far she would have gone if Jaelyn didn't walk in."

"Jaelyn knew?"

Yes, only about that..." I said, my voice trailing off.

"I'm sorry." I reached out for him. He backed away.

"What else have you lied to me about?"

"Jace." I said softly, turning away. "Louis and Dylan know about last night."

"What!" He yelled.

I explained everything about what happened last night.

"I can't believe you lied to me, all of you."

"I never lied to you about this!" I yelled. I chewed on my bottom lip, pointing to my cuts. "Don't get mad at them, I asked them not to say anything."

"This is absurd! Louis lied straight to my face. I can't believe this. I was so worried about you all day and this is how you repay me, keeping this from me!"

"Jace, please. I need you." I took a step forward and reached out for his hand.

"No, don't touch me!" He took another step back.

"Jace." I whispered, tears streaming down my face.

"You know what will happen!" He said. "I can't do this!"

He stormed out before I could say anything else.

"Jace, wait!" I finally yelled.

He left me there alone, crying.


I'm so pissed. This can't be happening. They lied to me, straight to my face. I'm so stupid for falling for it. I'm more stupid for falling for her "I'm fine" shit. She hurt herself, how could she do that. She knows the consequences. I stopped pacing and sat on my bed, face in my hands. They are going to send her away. How could I have let this happen?

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