Chapter 4:

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"Zoë!" Dylan exclaimed. "Your hair!"

"Do you like it?" I said.

"I love it" She smiled widely," it's beautiful!"

I put my bag in my locker and grabbed my history book. I couldn't stop smiling.

"I wonder what Alex had planned for class today." Dylan said as we walked to class.

"It's always a surprise, a different thing each day." I said. "He doesn't really go by the book."

We walked into the room, full of students talking among themselves. Alex gave us a smile as we walked by.

"Good morning, ladies." He said.

"Morning, Alex," she said.

I thought she was going to melt right there.

"How are you, Alex?" I asked.

"Pretty good, thank you." He said. "I love the new look." He winked at me.

"Thank you." I said blushing.

"Suck up!" Someone said,

Ignoring them, I took my seat. I knew the look would change things.


"I seriously hate gym class." I said to Dylan in the locker room after class was over. "I swear the teacher has something against me."

"She does not." Dylan laughed. "Do you want to walk back with me?"

"No, I'm going to take a quick shower before going to Choir."

"Okay, see you after school." She said leaving. I grabbed my gym bag and towel. I pulled my hair up and turned on the shower. I stripped out of my sweaty gym clothes. I'm glad I'm the only one here. I stepped into the shower, the water felt nice. While washing up I started singing, like I usually did.

"Wow, I didn't know you could sing?" A voice echoed through the shower, causing me to jump. I turned around and Josh was standing behind me. I reached for my towel and covered my body.

"What are you doing here?" I yelled. "Get out!"

"Your voice led me here." He said. "And besides I like what I see." He moved closer to me. "I love the hair. I'm a sucker for blonds." He grabbed my waist, pulling me close to him. "Mm, strawberry." I felt his breath on my face.

"Please, go away." I said.

"Not a chance." He smiled. I started beating on his chest, hoping he would loosen his grip. He gripped my towel, laughing.

"Please." I said softly.

He laughed again, ripping the towel off of me.

"You look good." He said. I covered my naked body with my arms. He grabbed my waist tightly, making me yelp. His lips were pressed against my neck.

"Josh!" A familiar voice said. "Let her go."

"Well, hello Jace. Do you want to join?" He said.

"I said let her go."

"Oh, you out of all people are going to defend the freak?" He pulled me up against his body.

"Josh, you are better than that."

"Really?" He cupped my left breast, his other hand rested below my waist, his hand dangerously close; he crushed his lips to mine. Jace jumped him and Josh threw me to the ground. Tears stung my eyes.


I don't really know why I was defending this girl. I just knew I needed to. Even I have some respect for women. I jumped at Josh, throwing punch after punch. Once he was knocked on the ground I went to Zoë and covered her up with a towel. Josh jumped on my back. Swinging him around, I threw him back on the ground. I kicked and punched him.

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