Chapter 10:

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Zoë cried all night. I slipped out of her room when she fell asleep. I hurt for her, I may not know what she is going through but I can at least help her. I did a lot of thinking while I waited for her to fall asleep. I know for sure that I will not leave her, never in a million years; nothing can change that. I stepped outside and the December air hit me. I took a deep breath, I pulled my jacket tighter around me; fresh air is what I need. I stood there for a few more minutes before going back into the quiet house. Sarah stayed with her friends again and Stacey was working overnight. I swear that women can't get a break. I went back to Zoë's room and climbed into bed, pulling her close. It didn't take me long to fall asleep.


I woke up without Jace next to me. I sat up and stretched.

"Good morning, love." Jace said coming into my room. He was holding a little white bag. He smiled that amazing smile.

"I got you something."


He pulled out a bottle of pills.

"These will help you with your morning sickness, it won't stop it completely but it will control most of it. You just take one a day."

"Thank you!"

"It will help you get through school. Do not take them on an empty stomach."

He left the room and came back a minute later with a box of donuts.

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." He kissed me, my heart always fluttered when his lips touched mine.

After eating, Jace left me alone so I could get ready. I went to the bathroom and braided my hair. My contacts finally came so I was relieved to finally ditch these glasses again. I put in my contacts and put on a little bit of make-up. I headed back to my room; I looked through my closet for about five minutes before deciding what to wear. I got out a black pair of skinny jeans and a pullover. Before putting on my pullover I looked at my arms. "Perfect" didn't scar as much so it wasn't too visible. "Freak" though was going to be hard to hide. I pulled on my jumper and covered my hands with my sleeve. I put on my converse and went downstairs.

"I got your bag." Jace said.

"Thank you."

We headed out of the house.


"Where were you Friday?" Dylan asked me on the way to history.

"I was sick all weekend."

"Do you feel better?"

"Yeah, a little."

"That's good."

We walked into class and I handed Alex my last assignment.

"I hope you are feeling better." He said. His eyes met mine but or only a second.

"Not really." I said. "I'm not going to for a while."

"Dylan will help you get caught up." He said, ignoring my comment.

I turned and went to my seat. Dylan gave me the assignment from Friday.


I got halfway to the cafeteria; the smell hit me and I ran to the bathroom. I did so well today, not one bathroom trip. This is going to get old fast.

"Zoë. Are you okay?" Dylan said, knocking on my stall.

I opened it and walked to the sink; I rinsed my mouth out and turned to her.

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