Chapter 20:

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The next few days were long, being under constant eyes and Beauty Bombshell rehearsal. I haven't had any time to myself at all. I feel even more tired and drained. The show is tomorrow night and I'm trying so hard to keep my head up. I don't know why I feel like this. I guess this is what depression does to you; it has me covered from the waist down, it seems to be moving faster and faster every minute. It won't stop until it covers me, drowns me. The constant taunting at school doesn't help either, it hasn't been too bad but it's still enough to affect me. They never really showed me how to live with depression, just told me what the effects could be which I think I've had them all. I'm just ready for this week to end.

I slipped out of class early to get some time to myself. I paced up and down the bathroom, trying to calm myself. I'm stressing too much and I can't figure out how to stop it. I wish I could fight the demon within me but all it's doing is taking over me. My mind is screaming, it's like screaming in the middle of a crowded room and nobody looks up. Nobody can hear the cry for help. I stopped pacing and stood in front of the mirror. I stared at the reflection of a girl who's been gone for a while. She was left in the holding room with her father. This girl, the lost girl staring back at me is someone way different. I don't even know her.

"Well, hello, Zoë." Said a voice that sends chills down my spine. "Where's your boyfriend?"

Diamond's reflection appeared behind mine in the mirror. I could feel her breath on my neck. I turned to face her. Her dark eyes glared at me, her perfect nose now broken and bandaged. A sneer was formed on her lips.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I want to make your life a living hell." She said back. "When I'm done with you, you're going to wish you were dead."

"I already do." I said. "So what's new?"

She took a step back.

"I never understand you." I said. "How you waste your time making someone else's life miserable when it can't possibly get any worse than it already is. Don't you have your own miserable life to deal with?"

She looked stunned.

"I always win, Zoë." She said, "I won't stop until I do."

She took a step closer to me and I backed up only to run into the sink.

"You have nowhere to go so why try."

I was pinned against the wall, stuck in between two sinks. My heart was racing.

"The bell will ring soon and someone will find me."

"I still have time."

"Diamond, don't. This isn't you. I know there is a better person inside you somewhere." I said.

"You don't know who I am!"

She punched me in the stomach; I gasped and coughed as I doubled over with pain.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that."

She grabbed me by my hair, pulling me back on my feet.

"You're a worthless piece of trash." She said, slapping me so hard my head flew back. My blood boiled as I stood my ground, glaring at her.

"If I'm such a worthless piece of trash, why waste your time?" I spit.

I tasted blood from my split lip.

"I won't stop until you surrender." She said,

"I won't stop fighting, I will never stop fighting!" I yelled.

She grinned. "Aren't you a tough one?"

She punched me in the stomach again, that second blow made it hard to breathe.

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