Chapter 3:

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"What are you doing here, Midas?" I asked.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to go over the song?"

"Seriously?" I said. "Hmm, because I remember asking you that earlier but maybe I just dreamt it."

"Listen, Zoë. I only said that because my friends were around."

"Oh, because you don't want them to know that you are communicating with a freak?" I snapped.

"Yes, no. You know how everyone is. I have a reputation to protect."

"Wow, you want to keep this all a secret?"

"Yes, please. At least for now anyway."

"Well, listen here, Midas. I'm not going to be someone's secret. So why don't you just take your music and get out! I'm not going to be a charity case especially by someone who is ashamed of me! Why don't you forget everything that has happened? There, now you don't have to protect your rep!" I opened the door.

"Zoë, I'm..."

"Get out, Jace." I said before he could finish.

He walked past me. Not looking at him, I stepped aside. When he left the house I shut the door, separating us. I slid to the floor, my head in my hands.

"Zo, what was that about?" Mom asked.

"Nothing, mom. It's just stupid. He's a jerk" I sighed. "I'm going back to my room."

I got up off the floor and slowly walked to my room. I felt defeated. I walked into the bathroom, grabbing my razor. I wiped away my tears before putting the razor to my skin. I held my breath as the blade pierced my skin. I let out a breath. "This is for not being good enough." As the tears fell again, I put the razor down. After washing up I walked back to my room. I put on my night clothes and crawled into bed, covering up. There was a soft knock on my door. I didn't feel like talking so I rolled over on my side and closed my eyes. I heard the door open. Mom sighed before turning off my light and leaving the room. For what seemed like an hour, sleep overcame me. I woke the next morning more tired than I was before I went to sleep. Tiredly I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped my clothes off. I made sure the water was hot, hoping it would wake me up. I stepped into the steaming water letting it soak my body. I slowly got my shampoo out and put some on my hand. The strawberry smell always lifted my mood. After washing my hair and body I grabbed my towel. Turning off the water I wrapped it around me and stepped out. Heading back to my room I settled for a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt. After putting on my converse I pulled my wet hair up in a ponytail. I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs.

"Morning, babe. How are you?" Mom said.

"I'm fine." I said. Ignoring my grumbling stomach I grabbed my keys off the counter.

"Are you coming home right after school?

"Yeah, probably."

"Well, do you want to go shopping with me?" She asked

"Yeah, sure. It will be fun. I could use new stuff" I said. "I got to go."

I kissed her cheek and headed out the door. It was already crowded at the school when I pulled into the parking lot.

"You can do this, Zoë! Just avoid him. It can't be that hard."

I put my keys in my bag and headed into the school. As I walked to my locker I passed Jace. Our eyes met for a second then I looked away. One of his friends whistled and the other one laughed. I know he has to be angry at me for throwing him out of my house. That probably never happens to him. I was relieved to make it to my locker.

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