Chapter 25:

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"Wait, repeat that?" James said. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I want to bust Zoë out of rehab." I told him.

"That is fucking crazy." James said, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

"It's possible." I said, looking away from his eyes.

"It's illegal." He said.

"James, she's scared. She doesn't belong there!"

"Jace, you can't just take her from the place, it won't help her. They will find her and bring her back. She'll just be in there longer."

"This isn't fair! She's too good for the place."

"Jace, she's going to be okay, she's strong."

"I know she is strong but at the same time she is so fragile, James. She saw someone die right in front of her; she told me that at one point, she wished it was her. I just have this feeling...I don't know."

I stood up, kicking some rocks.

"I'm scared for her." I said looking at him.

Lightning flashed in the distance followed by a loud crack of thunder.

"Let's go to your house. We can talk there." James said. "We don't want to get caught in this storm."

"Okay, fine." I said.

"I'll stay with you tonight so you don't do anything crazy."

I knew I wasn't getting out of this one.

We got in my car and I drove James to his house so he could get things for the night, then we headed to my house.


"I can't believe you actually thought about busting Zoë out of rehab." James chuckled.

"It sounded like the right thing at the time." I said. "I'm just going crazy."

"I know bro. It's really going to be okay. She's in good hands; she's going to get better."

"I believe you." I said. "Thanks for being here."

"No problem. You would have done the same for me."

"Yeah, I would."

I'm seriously so grateful to have James in my life. He's the only closest friend I have. Sure I have the other boys but we just aren't as close. James really keeps me grounded. If it wasn't for him I would probably have done something stupid by now."


"Zoë, your roommate has arrived." Amelia said coming into my room. A tall girl with blond hair came up behind Amelia, she was very pretty.

"This is Britney; she's in here with the same case you have. So, I thought you two would be good roommates.

"Hi, I'm Zoë." I walked up to her and shook her head.

"Please, make her feel at home."

"I will try." I said, smiling.

She left us alone and Britney started to get settled in.

"So how long have you been here?" She asked.

She had a thick Irish accent that reminded me a lot of Nick.

"Only a few days."

"This would be my second rehab center." She said, throwing herself on her bed.

"Really, what happened with the first?"

"I was tired of being in there so I lied my way out. I told them I was better and happy. They actually believed me and I ended up being let go."

"Wow, how come you're back?"

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