Chapter 6:

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The tears fell fast as I sat on the floor, picking up the broken glass. My heart hurt and my stomach was in knots. I'm beyond shocked about everything. How could I be so stupid! Thinking that Alex, my history teacher, actually liked and cared for me. I started crying harder, I couldn't breathe. With tears still falling I picked a piece of broken glass with shaky hands and took it to my skin multiple times. I watched as the crimson blood fell from my wrist and stained the floor. I laid on the floor in blood and glass. When I found my strength, I cleaned up. I went to my room and climbed into bed. I hugged my pillow and cried myself to sleep.


"Just give it up, Alex." I said. "You are no match for me."

With blood dripping from me, I stood up.

"This isn't over." Alex said, coughing up some blood. He tried to sit up.

"I believe it is." I said leaving him battered on the ground.

I got in my car and headed home. Looking out my rear view mirror I saw my eye blackening and my lip bloody and swollen. I had a deep cut below my eye. Flashing lights in the distance detracted me from my reflection. An ambulance flew past me.

"Don't turn left, please do not turn left." I said as it turned left. "Dear god."

I sped up and followed them. In the distance I saw light of fire through the dark.


I pulled up across the street from my house and jumped out of the car.

"Sarah!" I yelled running closer to the house. "Where are you?" I walked up to a policeman.

"Sir, my little sister is in there!" I said.

"Hang in there kid, we heard her cries and sent one of our men in there."

With my stomach in knots, I felt the tears build behind my lids

"Oh, please God." I said. "Sarah!"

The fireman was trying everything to get the fire to calm down but it only got worse. There was a loud crack and the house collapsed.

"No!" I ran to the house only to be grabbed by two cops. "Sarah!" I fell to my knees in a crying mess.

"A little help here!" A fireman yelled. I looked up as two firemen ran up to the house. They pulled out another fireman who was carrying my sister, she wasn't moving.

"Sarah!" I got up and ran to them. "Is she okay!"

"We need to get her to the hospital quickly." He said to me, They put her on a stretcher and loaded her up into the ambulance. I climbed in next to her, taking her little hand in mine.


The next morning I woke up with sore eyes. My whole body ached. I went to the bathroom; in the mirror I saw my eyes were red and puffy. I don't know if it's more from crying all night or from sleeping in my contacts. I took out my case and I took out my contacts. After putting my eye drops in, I put on my glasses. I turned on the tub water. After putting in the bubbles, I stripped out of my clothes as the tub filled up. I climbed into the bubbly water. Baths always relaxed me; It won't fill the hole in my heart but what really does? I stayed there until the water was cold and the bubbles were gone. I wrapped the towel around me and went to my room. My phone ringing made me stop. I walked to my bed and grabbed my phone.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey baby girl." Mom said. "I'm coming home early. Let's go out when I get home."

"Okay, can we just stay home and order takeout."

"Yeah, are you okay? You sound down." She asked.


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